Chap 20 : My Euphoric

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The next day, Haven looked at his body, someone still there and he felt grateful for it.

"Thank you, for everything" he secretly kissed her forehead.

"You wake up?" she asked and rubbed her eyes.

"You good?" he asked while slightly rubbing her eyes.

"Yeah, just a bit sore at the back" she said and Haven rubbed her back.


"Yeah, thank you" she hugged him.

"Again, I'm sorry" he said while looking into her eyes.

"You need to stop saying this, I'm getting bored with the same words. In the end, I don't know why you apologize for" she said.

"I'm sorry on the first date, I felt ashamed when we were at the carousel and the hotel, when I explained why I called you a wife and didn't explain about the misunderstanding between me and Melinda and also misunderstand you and Vinod" he explained.

"That's what I want to hear" she smiled and the wind blowed the  curtain.

"The sunrise is beautiful isn't it?" he asked.

"It is" she slightly kissed him before they deeply continued it.







"When will you be discharged?" he asked.

"Umm, maybe today…" she said and saw him put on his jacket.

"Then, I'll pick you up" bopping his nose with her.

"Really?" Aviana clenched her hands.

"This time…I'll see you no matter what" he said, holding her hands while on his knees.

"I trust you then…" she sighed.

"Don't worry, I already learned it" he said and made her giggle.

"You study?" she laughed hard.

"To get my little queen? Of course I did!" he said proudly then kissed her.

Before he gets going "wait!" she stopped him.

Haven stopped and Aviana immediately kissed him on the cheek. He was stunned.

"What was that for?" he asked.

"Just give it a try…" she looked away.

"Give it a try huh? How about here?" he pointed to his lips.

"No you pervert! Just go already!" she pushed him.

"Okay okay, why have I always been kicked out by you?" Haven giggled and waved, then walked out.

Haven was going to work happily but it's not an end as he saw someone that he usually knew back then.

"Hey~" a woman was approaching him, his ex-friend, Kirina Furry.

(How did you get so many girls back then, Mr. Haven Victor?? And why can't I get a single person to fall in love with me?!) 🙄😤 Continue…

"Ouh, Miss Kirina, it's been a long time, glad to see you here…" Haven put on his smile (it must be a insincerity smile)

"Oh my god!! Don't believe that you are already this tall Haven!" she hit his chest.

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