Chap 7 : Represent You

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The road back to the office was a bit far from their location, that evening was very tiring and it made Aviana sleep on Haven's shoulder.

"I love you, Hav-" Aviana mumbled clearly while dreaming, which made Haven curious about the name she called.

"Aviana?" he shaked her but she hugged him tightly.

Haven thought she was talking but it turned out to be a dream.

"What dreams you have Aviana" he mumbled and closed his eyes, accidentally sleeping.

Once they returned, Aviana didn't know that she was sleeping on his shoulder as she woke up at the side of the window.

"Thank you Mr. Haven for sending me back, and the ice cream and the shoes too" she blushed.

"And?" he asked.

"And?...and...brought me to!" she made excuses and he chuckled.

"Okay, see you tomorrow, bye~" he waved at her and patted her head, which made her feel different than usual.

Aviana entered her house clueless while doing her routine, showering, eating, cleaning up the house and finally laid on the bed. Then she went back to reality and blushed.

"He patted my head with a smile~" she hides in the blanket. Then she takes a picture of her family.

"Mom, dad, do you think I should tell him about my feelings?" she asked, then rethinking.

"But he already got a future wife and I'm afraid that will affect them, but I already started to fall in love..." she sighed then closed her eyes.


"Why do you keep smiling?" Haven's mom asked him.

"Nothing..." he keeps smiling.

"Just let him, who knows later he'll bring a daughter-in-law for us" his father continued.

"It's not like that, dad!" he denied.

"Don't lie to us. I got this picture from the driver of yours" he said while giving a look at the picture of Aviana sleeping on Haven's shoulder.

"Oh my god! You got a girlfriend already?!" his mom is getting excited.

"No! She was my secretary!" Haven hides his blushed.

"What kind of secretary is sleeping on their boss's shoulder?" his dad smirked at him.

"It's not- mom was your secretary! She was sleeping on your shoulder once, you told me!" Haven trying to cover up.

"Yeah, because of that she was my wife and your mother, right darling?" his dad looked at his mom happily.

"Yeah, your dad was right, by the way...who was that girl? Is she skillful?" his mom asked.

"It's not...she may be your daughter-in-law but! I didn't confess yet..." he made a poker face.

"Why?! If you keep waiting, maybe she'll be someone else's" his dad urged.

"Ignore your dad, he also made a late step towards me, yet he wants to teach his son" his mom rolled her eyes.

"Because I want him to be better than me" his dad covers up.

"Really? Why don't you stir up the feelings first?" his mom kept fighting and made his dad stunned.

"That- I got nothing to say" his dad bowed his head.

Haven chuckled seeing his parents romantic comedy, they were just perfect for each other. And that's what Haven hopes for himself with Aviana, a matchmaker in heaven.

"By the way, how about her parents? They already know about you?" his mom continued.

"Actually...she had no one else, no native or family, her parents died when she was schooled and she was an only child," he explained.

"What a pity daughter, I'm gonna treat her as my second child" his mom was full of courage and made his dad and him giggled.

"Yeah, second huh...but...I'm curious, why would I never have siblings if both of you got me at the first try?" he asked and his parents blushed.

"Actually..." his mom stopped.

"I can't get pregnant after giving birth to you..." his mom stopped.

"So I'm the reason why I can't get siblings?!" Haven was shocked.

"It's not like that...can't you wait for me to finish the story!" his mom said.

"Oh okay, okay, hehe, sorry"

"Actually, me and your dad got into one accident that was planned by a third wheel..." his mom explained.

"Third wheel? I thought your relationship was very harmony?" Haven asked as he got interested in it.

"No actually...our relationship was an envious relationship among people and there's one of my ex-" his dad cleaned throat.

"Girlfriend," his dad continued.

"Uuuuu, spill the tea dad" Haven smirked and saw his mom's eyes were sharply looking at his dad.

"Actually, she was my girlfriend before I met your mom but she cheated behind me and yet wants to blame your mom because framed her," his dad explained.

"Whoa, then what's the connection that I have no siblings?" Haven fixed his sitting position.

"There's one time where she hired a few men and kidnapped your mom. Me and some bodyguards need to plan something secretly before saving her," his dad continued.

"Police weren't helping huh?"

"Well, if we call them, maybe you'll not be here," his dad said.

"Then? What happened?" Haven kind of interested to know.

"Then, your dad saved me but the last time before we reached the win, I got hit by a car that was being driven by her and luckily I made it until today, just there's damage at a few places and I lost my ability to get pregnant" his mom said.

"Yeah, my darling was so strong that she survived~" his dad kissed his mom cheek.

"I'm still here and single," he said and they chuckled.

"What happened to her now? The third wheel you said" Haven asked.

"She was sent to jail and got the punishment that she deserved. Then, I got an information that she was get out from the country and never have a record of coming back"

"I can say that, we got no connection after that" his dad ended the story.

"Woah, your love story sounded like it was an action movie with a genre of romance," he said.

"Kind of...and that's why we trained you" his dad sighed.

"Trained me? Trained what?" haven getting curious.

"Do you think all the things we educate you were at the level of average kids?" his dad asked.

"What do you mean?"

"Your education was actually quite high as we perform some FBI agent skills in it" his mom revealed.

"You...put...FBI agent my education?" Haven was almost speechless of his parents' confession.

Both of them smiled innocently at Haven.

"You have given me international skills since when???"

Haven's dad cleaned his throat "since you were 18, we trained you a bit late so you can focus on your normal study before secretly putting you in part of the agency" he sighed.

"That's why many people were shocked by my performance," Haven concluded.

"Anyway!" his mom held his hands.

"Since you already have a lover! Use the skills that we already put in you to protect her! And brought her to us!" his mom being dramatic.

"Mom, stop being sarcastic, I know that thing" he made a poker face.

"Yeah~ we'll see about that," his mom said.

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