Chap 18 : Broken Love

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The next morning, Haven gets his guts together and calls someone.

After 4 hours of hard work, he received an anonymous call.


"Haven!!" a loud cry and yelled from a woman was heard.

"A-Aviana?! Is that you?! Aviana!!" he shouted.

"Haven!! Help— me!!" she yelled with a weak and cracked voice. 

The call ended with her scream and Haven frustrated.

Haven gathered his squad and found the phone call location. 







"Sir, I got the location" one of his  secretary reported. 

"Prepare the sniper…I'll order everything in a phone call" Haven takes his jacket and gets his car key.

"Yes sir" the phone call ended.

Haven heads to the headquarters and wears every protection that is necessary. His bulletproof vest, emergency blade, sniper at the back, a silent handgun and other tools.

"Sir, squad 1 is ready" his secretary connected with him through an earpiece. 

"Send them and report the entire place" Haven rode his bike. 

"Sir, there's only 2 people in the garage…and it was a female and male" he reported.

"How about outside the place and around you?" Haven asked.

"There's—" his secretary stopped.


"Sir…there's 100 people waiting with sniper"

"Good, bomb that place without that 2 person in the building, make sure that 100 people died. You get my permission" Haven stopped his bike.

"We'll do sir" he smirked and take out a bazooka "go to hell motherf*ckers" he said and shot it.

Meanwhile others take out their weapon "it's gonna be fun" one of them said.

"Since when it's not~" all of them get their weapons, ready to fight since the last 2 weeks ago. All those 50 people were craving for it. 

Haven gets into the building and calls out Aviana's name.

"Aviana!!" he yelled but only the echoing of his voice was heard.

Then, Haven got to the 2nd floor where there's no wall because it's still a structure of a building that has been left for some reason.

He walked and saw Aviana was badly injured sitting at the chair, been tied by a chain and painfully saw a lot of bruises on her body.

His nerves of sense were almost disconnected but when he was about to let go of the chain, Aviana kept shaking her head.

"You'll get hurt if you move too much" he said while breaking the chain and once he let go a tape at Aviana's mouth. Aviana immediately pushes him and a heavy rock almost falls on them.

She fell on his body and couldn't move her body properly.

"Aviana, are you okay?!" he held her shoulder and hugged her. 

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