Chap 9 : Confession

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At the restaurant…

"Mr. Haven" Liam greeted him and Aviana. 

"Mr. Liam, I have no time now, what's your intentions now?" he asked.

"Nothing, just the pendrive that you gave me was a bit personal" he whispered.

"What do you mean?" Haven was confused.

"It's just…" Liam takes out his laptop and shows what was inside the pendrive. 

It was a secret plan of marketing that had been created by Haven himself. 

"It's my personal pendrive…" he was surprised and took back the pendrive.

Aviana was frowning and looked at Haven, he was stressed and Liam stood up.

"So, Mr. Haven, I'll just take this as a misunderstanding between us okay? Better for you to set up a backup plan cause your plan just leaked to me" Liam tapped on Haven's shoulder and walked away.

Aviana then drinks the tea on the table before taking her deep breath to calm down Haven that already looked like a red bull. His short-temper was more scary than a lightning that struck.

He then walked away aggressively. Entered the car and they returned back to the office.

All the employees were feeling an evil aura from Haven when he walked through the desks.

Aviana who followed from back gave them a sign to not make any stupid mistakes today or else.

Haven sits on his chair, gently massages his forehead and Aviana makes coffee for him.

"What's the problem, Aviana? Why Mr. Haven looked like wanted to fired all of us?" Jason asked.

"There's some problem when we went out, met the client, but I don't want to interfere too much" Aviana stirred the coffee.

"Then, how long will Mr. Haven be like that?" Jason gets a teabag from the container.

"Maybe just for today, I'll guarantee that!! I'll try to cool him down" she said confidently.

"Then, all the employees were counting on you! Good luck Aviana!!" he said.

"I'll do my best!!" Aviana brings the coffee into Haven's office.

"Mr. Hav—" before she called him, Haven yelled at her.

"Get out!!" he yelled, which startled her and accidentally spilled the coffee on her hands.

"Ah…! I-I'm sorry for interrupting…" Aviana put the coffee on the table and walked away until Haven stopped her.

"Aviana…I-I'm sorry, I thought it was another person" he said walking towards her.

"I-it's okay…I know you're mad…I'll get out first" she said and Haven held her hand. She clenched it because of the pain.

"Your hand was injured…sit first" Haven then looked for the first aid kit in his room.

"The kit was on the second shelf," Aviana said.

"Where is it? I don't see anything?" Haven looked for it and made Aviana chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?" he raised his eyebrows.

"The second shelf that I meant was beside you" she holds her laughter.

"Found it" he giggled and helped Aviana with her scalds.

"I'm sorry, I wasn't in the mood" he said while wrapping the bandage around her palm.

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