Chap 19 : Let's Try Again

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A day turns into a week and a month. There's still 2 more months before she can recover fully and discharge.

In that one month, Haven always visits her but she always remains the same. Not even try to open her heart again.

And today was also the same.

"How are you?" Haven asked.

"Fine as always," she replied.

"You don't want to take a walk?" he asked.

"I'm not a dog..." she said.

"T-that's not what I meant" Haven was anxious about what he just said.

"It's okay, I'm not mean it too. Let's take a walk..." Aviana stands and almost falls until Haven catches her at the waist.

Her hand was at his chest again but this time, she'll not let her guard down. She immediately stood properly and looked away.

"Let's go" Aviana walked out.

Haven just sighed at the back. Right after he finished all his paper, he tried to visit her even though she didn't want to because she said it's just trouble him.

"Don't you have work?" Aviana asked.

"I-I do...but-"

"Then, why are you here?! I'm just troubling you more. You should focus on what you have now before you lose it too...stop thinking about past Haven, that's what you said to me..." she stopped in front of him.

"But you're not my past, you're never my past! You're my future, always be my future!" he said.

"Even so, you are my past, Haven. You are no different from Vinod if this is what you keep doing! And even if I was your future, it's only dark in it, Haven, please..." she said with sorrowful eyes.

"Okay, if that's what you want...I'll go and for your medical fees, I'll help with it as my last thanks to you for be with me..." Haven turned around and walked away, no turning back as she already said what she want.

"I'm sorry Haven...I'm afraid you might hurt me again, I don't wanna lose you forever if I keep holding you...enough with my family and my child, I don't want you to be like that...please forget about me" her heart whispered as one tear dropped.

Aviana went back to her room and saw the kids were playing at the playground happily with their parents.

"I used to be like that and almost be like that but life was too cruel until I didn't even have anyone..."she mumbled.

Haven went to the office with disappointment again and couldn't concentrate on his work. She's safe there but he just can't let her be alone, not again. 

With a promise that he already made to not look for her again, there's no way for him to look after her as he can't break another promise.


"Hello Melinda," he called.

"Yeah, sup bro" Liam answered.

"Where's Melinda?"

"Why do you need to talk with my wife huh?" he asked.

Haven sighed "it's been 2 month and I'm suffering here without visiting Aviana" he said.

"And?~" Liam got excited.

"I need Melinda to visit her for me," he said.

"Finally talk about this huh? Fine, I'll tell Melinda but you really need to clean this thing entirely with her..." Liam said.

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