Chap 14 : Appointment

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The next day, Aviana felt very dizzy, like a big rock had dropped on her head.

She is also vomiting and doesn't have an appetite but still wants to go to work.

"Morning bish!!" Dilan greets her by hitting her back and she almost falls down but luckily, Dilan grabs her arms.

"Woah! Why are you so weak today?" she asked.

"I don't know, I felt so exhausted…" she said and sat in her chair.

"Are you sick? You look pale, like a dead body" she teased.

"Haha, funny Dilan…" she said in a weak voice.

"Okay fine…but seriously, are you sick? Like, want me to get you a leave? Don't Mr. Haven know about this?" she asked.

"I already troubled him too much, just let me get some rest and wake me up when he was here" she put her head on the table.

"Okay, do you want any energy drinks? Any pills?" Dilan getting worried.

"No…I don't think I can swallow anything right now, I just want a rest" she said and Dilan gave her a bottle of mineral water.

"Morning Mr. Haven" Dilan greeted.

"Morning Dilan" he replied.

"Umm, Mr. Haven…" Dilan stopped.


"I was supposed to wake Aviana when you're arriving but she seems exhausted and sick, so she's sleeping on her table now," Dilan explained.

"I see, thank you for telling me…" he walked away.

Haven walked towards his room and saw Aviana was laying on her table, it's true that she looked so pale.

"Aviana" he flicked her hair while waking her in a soft voice.

"Umm…" she changed her position.

"Aviana, wake up…are you sick?" he asked and she suddenly woke up, rubbing her eyes. 

"Mr. Haven…" she bowed and Haven pulled her right into his office while she was half-sleep.

"You see that?" Jason asked.

"As clear as crystal~" Dilan said.

"For real, I can't be with both of them, their office romance is just too sweet than a mountain of sugar," Jacob said.

"Yet, they still don't get married and we're the ones who are getting impatient," Julia continued.

All of them sighed heavily and continued their work.

"Aviana, open your eyes," he said.

"Hmm" she wobbled and ended up fainting on his arms.

"Aviana!" Haven carried her walking through the employee's desks and everyone's eyes just wide open followed with their jaw dropping.

"Did I see it right?" Julia asked.

"Not only you," Dilan continued.

"Let's hear some good news for the next few weeks," Jason said with a confident face.







"Ugh…my head" Aviana woke up and saw herself was on the hospital's bed.

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