Chap 5 : Treatment

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"Haven!!" Aviana called him from far, in a faded sightseeing.

"Aviana?! Where are you?" he ran and yelled her name.

"I was here, why are you running?" she appeared next to him with a kid behind her.

"Who is he?" he asked and looked at the kid, his face was fading in his eyes but he looked like a 5 to 6 year old kid.

"Already forgot about your son?" she smiled.

"Son?" Haven can't see that kid's face clearly the same as Aviana but don't know why he can recognize her.

"I have a son? He's my son?" Haven lifted him up and that kid hugged him.

"Our son" she hugged him and Haven.

"You're not forget about me right, dad?" that boy asked and Haven hugged him.

"Of course not," Haven said in a gentle voice and hugged them.

But suddenly, one blink from Haven changed everything. Just now, a white place suddenly turned dark and Aviana with that kid disappeared.

"Aviana!! Where are you?!!" he yelled and saw her sit on the floor, lifelessly.

He then shaken her, his body already trembling because of terrifiedness and suddenly he saw at his hand, filled with blood and there's a lifeless kid's body beside her.

His hand was covered with blood and there's a knife in his right hand.

Haven was clueless and speechless. He can't said any words as he felt his throat has been choked.

Suddenly he woke up in sweat and saw Aviana was still sleeping beside him. He looked at the clock, it was 5 o'clock.

Haven was relieved and hugged her. He kissed her forehead and continued to sleep.

A few hours after that, he can hear Aviana voice calling him.

"Mr. Haven, we got flight this morning" she shaked his body and suddenly he pulled her into a hug and Aviana could feel his warm breath.

"Mr. Haven, we'll be late if you don't wake up," she whispered into his ear.

Suddenly, Haven's hand was accidentally slid down to her waist and ass. She felt triggered and pushed the pillow on his face that made it hard to breathe.

"Well it's you the one who suddenly pulled me into a hug" Aviana said while zoning out at the car's window.

"But you can push me instead of 'killing' me with a pillow!" Haven kept focusing on his cellphone.

"B-but you touched my back! You perverted bastard!" she pointed at him.

"You—! Do you think I also wanted to touch your back?!" he grinned while looking at her.

Their eyes meet each other and the flustered controlling Aviana right away after seeing his light brown eyes.

They both get into a plane and fly back to the USA, proceeding their work right at the company.

Both of them arrive at the company and suddenly in front of the lift, Haven meets someone that he shouldn't have met. Those eyes were looking at him, unexpectedly.

Melinda Tigress, his ex-fiancee back when Aviana still wasn't his secretary.

"It's been a long time since I saw you, Haven" she greeted him but Haven just clenched his hands, holding his mad expression.

"Did Haven know her?" Aviana's heart whispered while looking at the woman.

That woman was very pretty in her office outfit, long white pants with a blazer and grey high heels. Such a stylish woman she is compared to herself.

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