Chap 6 : Next To You

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A white gown with lace at the chest and waist. It was an off-shoulder dress and the silk cloth that was used made it more elegant and classy.

"I brought this one because you have milky skin and this is perfect for you but if you don't like the design, I can bring another one," she said. 

Aviana was too stunned and she was zoning out for a moment.

"No, I mean…it's perfect! I used to watch a wedding dress on TV and hoped to wear it one day but today it really appears in front of my eyes" she said.

"Well, thanks to your boyfriend I guess" Jecilyn helped her with the back string.

"Eh! H-he's not my boyfriend…" Aviana confessed.

"No? Then, he must be your fiance!" Jecilyn was excited.

"Unfortunately no, he's my employer and I'm just his secretary," she said.

"But he got your wedding dress! There must be something between you two right?" Jecilyn fixed her gown.

"No, there's nothing between us and I bet this gown also wasn't for me, he have a woman that he loves already" Aviana sighed.

"Then why brought you here instead of his woman?" Jecilyn was confused.

"His woman was too busy, you also heard just now. She was a President of a company and same with him. They just have good chemistry" Aviana let out a heavy sigh this time.

"Don't be sad, one day you're gonna have a man that brings you to a boutique with love and buys you a fascinating wedding dress" Jecilyn cheered her a little.

"I hope so…" 

Haven was being impatient and it made him wanna storm in. 

A/N : chill bruh— continue~~

"Sorry for making you wait sir, she's ready now" Jecilyn opened the curtain and exposed Aviana in a wedding dress.

Haven didn't blink and was stunned for a moment until Aviana called him. 

"Hmm?" he was zoning out then focused back.

"You don't want to say anything?" she asked.

"Uh…I-I do" he said without realising.

"What?" she was confused with his answer.

"I m-mean, do you have any problem with it? Too tight or loose?" he asked normally, hiding his shame.

"No, everything is just fine" she looked at her gown.

"Good, I'll pay it, change your clothes" Haven walked away. 

"Ouh, okay" Aviana went back to the fitting room with Jecilyn's help.

"Come on Haven…I know you love her!" his good side appeared.

"Yeah, you know that she got a good body and if you miss her then miss your chance" his bad side then appeared.

"That's right but it's all about feelings and sincerity!" his good side debates.

"Maybe but if you got her body first then it'll be a true sincerity" his bad side said.

"I don't know," Haven mumbled.

"You know you want her fully, Haven~" his bad side flirts.

"Even if you want her fully, get her the correct way! With feelings of love and sincerity!" his good side fights more.

"Oh shut up you holy shit!" his bad side started to argue.

"You are the one who needs to shut up the crazy demon!" they started to hit each other and Haven was zoning out in front of the counter.

"Mr. Haven?" Aviana appeared beside him at the counter. 

"Yes?" he come back to his sense.

"The cashier?"

"Ouh yeah, I'm sorry…here you go" Haven paid the gown and told them to keep it until the time he'll take it back.

That whole evening was a tiring day as Aviana needed company Haven buying all the wedding stuff.

"Mr. Haven, can we take a break? Even if you trying to kill me, please do it in a fastest way, this is torturing me until death…why don't you just call out your future wife here?" she nagged and took a seat at a bench.

"Done?" he asked.

"I guess so"

"I'm the one who is carrying this stuff and you the one who is nagging?" he took a seat.

"Well, I wear high heels and this mini skirt, so I have difficulties" she said.

"Wait here," he said.

Aviana waited and waited until he saw him coming back with a thing and two ice creams in his hands.

"Hold this…" Haven gave her the ice creams and opened the box. It was a pair of flat shoes. 

He then opens Aviana's high heels.

"Hey!! What're you doing?!!" she kicked him then he held her feet.

"Stop kicking…!" he said in a cold tone.

Aviana waited for him and looked at the shoes.

"You got a good taste!" she swung her feet.

"I know" he takes the ice cream and licks it.

They take a break by eating an ice cream and resting their muscles before continuing the journey in a shopping mall.

For 2 hours straight they walked around the shopping mall and looked for wedding stuff.

It's 5:46 p.m and they finally get into the car. Aviana and Haven sighed at the same time.

"What a tiring day" he said.

"Is that all for today?" she asked.

"Yeah" he said while his eyes closed.

"Don't forget to invite me to your wedding" she said and it shocked him.

"So you can ruin my wedding?" he chuckled.

"Maybe but I'm not an attention seeker, so maybe another time I'll ashamed you" she said while zoning out.

"Hey! Maybe I can be Miss Melinda's bridesmaid!" she said and he burst into laughter.

"Why? Why are you laughing?!" she was pissed with him.

"Did you think that Melinda would make you her bridesmaid? She has more than enough friends to be bridesmaids" he said.

"Then…I'll stand next to you!" she said. 

"What? Why?" he asked in shock.

"Be one of your groomsmen!" she said in confidence and Haven burst into laughter again.

"Stop laughing! A female can also be a groomsman!" she said.

"Yeah, you'll stand next to me but not as groomsmen" he said.

"Then? I'm gonna be what? Your priest? I'm not that saint enough to be either a priest or nun" she pouted.

"Well, you're not to be neither priest nor nun, there's one position that I'll specially put for you" he said and Aviana getting super excited.

"Really?! What is it?!" she shaked his arm.

"Secret! Just wait for my wedding" he said and it makes her more impatient.

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