Chap 22 : A Gift From God

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That afternoon, Haven and Aviana were having lunch together at the restaurant.

"Hey, do you think we should let your parents manage everything? Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate?" she asked in worried.

"Well, that's what my parents want and they actually love it since I'm the only child in the family" he said giggled.

"Wait a minute! You said, you got a brother?" she was confused for a while.

"Umm, actually, about that…"

"So you lied to me huh?" she teased.

"Okay, to tell you the truth is I don't have any siblings and the dress that we were fitting about a few months ago was for us actually," he said.

"For us?" 

"Yeah, I wanted to give you some surprises but it turned out to be something worse after that because of Vinod," he continued.

"Then, you actually lied to me?!" 

"W-well…for the sake of my mom, I really wanted to keep it a secret but you already asked at that time and I had no choice except lying…" he said.

"It seems that I can't have that reason, Sir Haven Victor" she said.

"Then, what reason do you prefer?" he giggled.

"I don't know but since you already told me the truth, it'll be a past and I don't care~" she said smiling.

"Thank you…" he's zoning out at her.

"For what?" she giggled.

"For every forgiveness that you have given and love that you still keep for me" he said.

"I also wanted to thank for still chasing me even after everything I did and not giving up on me even the rumor about my death" she smiled.

"We should be telling the truth more often, aren't we?" he laughed.


They finished the lunch and Haven called the waiter.

Aviana was feeling unwell and unstable with her body. She shakes Haven's hands and he looks at her with a sudden pale face. Haven stands to pay for the meal.

Aviana can't hold her heavy head and collapses but luckily Haven is able to catch her.

"Aviana!?" he tried to wake her up but her body felt cold.

Without wasting any time, he brings her in bridal style and gets into the car. In a few minutes they were already in hospital.

"How's her?" his dad asked.

"The doctor is still checking her," Haven said.

"How did this happen?" his mom asked.

"I don't know, we just having lunch and after that, she collapsed, I don't know if someone try to poison the food or sabotage her and—" 

"Haven, don't make any rushed conclusion" his mom said.

"Y-yeah, you're right but I'm worried!" Haven said.

"Is there any weird behavior from her before?" his mom continued.

"Uh…actually, she's puked every morning since last week and eats something weird like tomato sauce with cotton candy…eee…" he looked at his mom weirdly.

"Also, she's quite different today and a bit scary…" he continued.

"Woah, your wife looked like your mom when she first conceived you back then" his dad giggled.

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