Chap 17 : Realisation

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It's 12 in the morning and Haven was rushing to Aviana's house.

"So it's my mistake all the time..." his heart whispered while clutching the steering wheel.

"I'm coming to get you and our child Aviana" he said, drifting on the road.

"So, who knows the fault now huh?" his good side appeared.

"So it's true that it was your fault?! What an ego" his bad side said.

"That ego was coming from you! You asshole demon!" his good side said.

"Hey! Even if it is...I didn't say that he can use it to hurt other people!!" his bad side was to defend herself.

"Whatever, the mission now-!" before finishing his words, Haven turned the corner and made everything in the car upside down.

"Hey!! I thought you realized your mistakes?!!!" his good side shouted while holding his seat together with bad side.

"I bet he hasn't yet!!! Arghhh!!!" his bad side shouted, the car drifting on the empty road.

"I think...he can even beat...Tokyo drift~~" his good side spinning then disappeared.

"Same~~" his bad side followed.

Haven rushed to Aviana's house door and stood in front of it, panted.

"I already made mistakes, I need to fix it..." he said and knocked on her door. 

There's no response but he saw the light turn on from her window.

"She's already asleep and forgot to turn off the light?" he thought and twisted the doorknob. Surprisingly, it isn't locked.

Haven entered her house just to see it was silent and every light was on.

He knocked on her door but no one was there, same with the bathroom and any other rooms. Haven was thinking if she's actually or coming home but her dress and shoes that he gave her were left on the bed.

Then, when he was sitting at the couch, thinking. Suddenly he saw 2 letters on it. There's no title, just from her to himself.

"Did she leave it for me?" he opened the letter.

To Haven Victor,

The letter that you read right now was my goodbye letter.

"Goodbye letter?" he was confused.

Maybe it was weird for me to leave a letter for someone that's not even love me but I still love you...maybe because you're with someone else. 

I wrote this just to tell you, I already left the country tonight, my flight was at 11:30...I bet you can't chase me now HAHAHA. But for one last time we talked in letters, I'm sorry for everything, hurting you with my illegitimate child and can't be with you on the altar one day...

Don't look for me, I'll stop working and find another job, another house, a new life. I promise that I'll not look for you anymore even after the child is born...

P/s: hope you'll have a new happy life, I'm just a passenger and I'll always be like that...



Haven was stunned and looked at another letter that was her resignation letter.

Haven rushed to the airport then realized that everything was already late as the flight was at 11:30. He almost gave up and realized he needed to fix all the misunderstanding.

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