Chap 2 : Savior

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The next morning, Haven was going to the office before going to the flight as he got a few documents needed to rearrange and when he passed through Aviana's table, it's empty and all of her stuff wasn't there.

At first, he thought maybe she just cleaned up her table, but when he passed through another employee. He accidentally heard their conversation.

"I heard she already retired?" one of them said.

"Yeah, unfortunately… now who's gonna be the next assistant of Mr. Haven" one another said and it makes Haven freezing.

"I saw Aviana put the letter on Mr. Haven's table"

He went into his office and saw a retirement letter on his table and his eyes widened. Haven doesn't know that she was really serious this time.

Then suddenly, there's an incoming call. It's from Aviana herself.

"Hello Mr. Haven—" before she finished, Haven cut her words.

"Why are you retired?!" he asked in amazement.

"What?" Aviana really got no idea because Haven suddenly talked about retirement.

"You retired this morning?!" he said.

"I'm not!" Aviana denied it.

"Then, why was your table empty?" he asked in confusion.

"Because I changed the position of the table, it's a bit narrow, so I changed the position of my table" she explained and Haven let out a relieved sigh.

"Your retirement letter! You put a retirement letter on my table!" he panicked again.

"What letter? I didn't even put any retirement letter" she said and put him in second confusion.

"Then who's letter is on my table?" he asked.

"That wasn't mine, I helped Madam Caroline put it in as she had an emergency, she was the one who retired this morning. You didn't look at the letter?" she asked and it sent thousands of embarrassment to Haven.

"I see…I didn't see the letter yet actually, I thought it was you the one who retired" he sighed.

"Maybe one day, but not now" she said and it made his eyes widened.

"Don't you dare…" he warned.

"Why? It's my decision tho and isn't that you the one who don't like me working there and want to make me retire in the first place?" she asked.

"I'm…yeah but at least not now for you to retire, I'm too lazy to look for another person as my secretary" he gently massages his forehead.

"Did you want to say that I'm capable, Mr. Haven?" she smirked and he denied immediately.

"Nonsense! You're never capable of the secretary position, I took you just to give you an experience as a secretary! Capable or not. I'm gonna fire you immediately" he blushed.

"Ouh…" the call went in sudden silence.

"You don't need to fire me as I'll put the retirement letter myself on your table" her tone suddenly went cold.

"Aviana, I—" his words were cut.

"Mr. Haven, the flight was in 1 hour, can you please be faster, thank you" then she ended the call and Haven sighs as he knew that his word was out of the line.

He never knew that the conversation and jokes could be this serious in the end.

Then he tries to forget about that, just get into the airport and continue his business.

Two hours in the airplane wasn't that bad as it was a first class flight.

Aviana was sitting beside Haven, at the window side. Not even one word was coming out from their mouths, each other was busy with their work. 

Then, Aviana was going to the toilet and leave Haven alone obviously, is not that Haven will follow her like a pervert. 

5 minutes after that, Aviana went out and a guy suddenly pulled her back into the toilet.

"Hey! What're you doing?!?" she shouted but unfortunately the toilet was soundproof.

"If you don't want to get hurt, follow my order, darling" that guy's hand slid down to her waist and sniffed her hair.

"You asshole thinks I'm scared of you?!" Aviana stepped on his feet with her high heels and turned around, punching her face.

"You little slut!" he started to choke her and Aviana struggled at the door. Her breath almost at the end of her lungs but then suddenly, someone knocked the door.

She heard a woman's voice from outside.

"Hello, is there anyone? I need to use the toilet now" she said leaning at the door.

Aviana tries to knock on the door as hard as she can but she can't hear it and she has one idea.

With a little strength left, she tried to let go of that guy's hand from her neck and turned around. 

He kept choking her but her hand was so fast he unlocked the door. 

That woman who was leaning at the door can feel the door unlocked and waiting for someone to come out but it took a long time for her to feel something wrong.

That woman tries to pull the door but it feels like someone is holding the door from inside.

Meanwhile Aviana can't make any sound due to her neck been choked. She kicked back that man right at his down there and he yelled and hit Aviana's at the door.

That woman panicked a bit and hit the door harder. She even called a stewardess to come help but the door just didn't want to open.

Lots of stewardesses already gathered in front of the door.

"Miss, can you please open this door, there is someone who wants to use it" one of the stewardess said and knocked on the door. 

Aviana tries to hold her strength but that man almost kills her.

Then the male stewardess hit that door but it couldn't be opened.

That scene attracted a few passengers and Haven was also looked at but ignored until he realised that Aviana was using a toilet just now and didn't come out.

He then walked into the scene and asked what happened, the stewardess explained.

"I heard that there's a man in there too" the woman said and it makes Haven worried more.

He then knocked the door harder on the stewardess.

"Aviana!! If you were in there, open this door!!" he yelled and there's no response.

Aviana almost fainted and couldn't do anything as her sight fades. In the end, she lost consciousness.

Haven then hit the door with his shoulder a few times before telling them to step back and kicked the door one time and it was opened.

The gasp filled the scene as all of them saw Aviana was sitting under the sink unconsciously and a man who sat at the floor, panicked.

"Get him," Haven said in a cold voice. A few of his hidden bodyguards got that man and some people were terrified by him. 

But there's someone a few seats from the scene, smirking in satisfaction to see the scene.

"Interesting" that person said, knowing what's gonna happen next and what are the things that they're gonna do.

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