Chap 15 : The Ego Of Humans

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While she was waiting at the seat, someone suddenly approached her.

"Hey, how are you?" a voice that she knows, Vin.

"Ouh! Hi…I'm fine, you?" she tries to be friendly.

"I'm feeling great about this lately, I'll hold a wedding," he said.

"Wait?! Wedding?! Congratulations!" she's getting excited.

"Yeah, I'm here to get her some medicine, she's sick," he said.

"Glad to see that you're changed to someone better," she said.

"Yeah, I also want to keep the one that I love by my side" he sighed.

"You're right"

"By the way, why are you here?"

"I'm here for medicine too, I mean, a few days ago it was raining heavily and I'm getting sick because the temperature decreased. You know—"

"Lower temperature makes your body hot, yeah, I know," he giggled.

They talked and when it was Aviana's turn to get her medicine, she said goodbye to him and hoped he'll be happy with his partner.

Right after she got her medicine, Aviana was told by Haven to wait for him in the room until he came and picked her up.

She waited there for hours until it was 5:30 then Haven texts her.

"Aviana, I'm busy with some clients right now, I'll send someone to get you, love you" he texted and Aviana sighed.

"He already know that he was a workaholic yet still want to pick me up" Aviana pack her things up and walk at the lobby, getting into the car that Haven's send.

The weather outside was cloudy like it was about to rain and there's something that's not right, she can feel it.

"Am I overthinking? I feel not easy with something…" she mumbled.

The car reached Aviana's home and she rested before thinking about how to tell Haven about her pregnancy.

"I'm getting excited but I don't want to ruin it!" she said and a message popped up.

"Aviana, about the cocktail party this Friday night, I'll send you the dress and anything that is necessary. You also don't need to go work, just dress up for me" he said.

"Okay! I'm getting nervous because of the party…" she replied and there's only seen from Haven.

"He's maybe too busy? If I just forced him to not accompany me last night" she said and layed down.

Aviana started to look for a baby's stuff that looks cute and adorable.

"It's so small!!! I can't wait to go shopping and buy it!!" she jumped and looked outside of the window.

A happy family of her and Haven with their little ones was already in her mind until there's one anonymous message.

Aviana opens the chat and there's one picture that was sent privately with an open button at it. The sender also left a message.

"You're gonna pay for everything that your parents have done, I'm gonna take everything and everyone from your life, Aviana Toddler…" it said.

"What the…who's this rude sender, does the sender want to be reported?!" she mad and aggressively opened the picture file. 

Her heart stopped for a while after saw the picture in it. It was Haven with Melinda, sleeping together, shirtless and hugging each other.

"You've seen the picture?" another message popped up.

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