Chapter 01 - A guest with an unexpected gift

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Livia dashed her way to the stables to get to the river with her Horse, Thilen.

Livia dashed her way to the stables to get to the river with her Horse, Thilen

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As She quickly neared the river, she could feel the dark power nearing. the darkest. She could feel her sister running with her horse. She could feel the halfling that her sister carrying was drawing near to darkness, lingering very near the shadows of darkness. She could feel the same creature carrying the one ring. One ring to rule them all. She quickly rode to the river. Arwen was galloping her horse to the river as she was followed by the darkest souls of men, The Nazgul.

"Give up the Halfling, she-elf" screeched the voiceless, dark Nazgul as Arwen and her horse, Asfaloth crossed the river of their old. 

"If you want him, come and claim him." Arwen said fearlessly and took her sword out without hurting the hobbit she's carrying. The hobbit whimpering at the movement. The Nazgul did the same as they took out their swords that were black as ebony and slowly entered the river. In a twinkling,  the forest was filled by the sound of Livia's sister's enchanting.

"Nîn o Chithaeglir..." Thus, Livia  ad Thilen neared them and joined her sister. Arwen took one glance at her and continued with her. "...lasto beth daer. Rimmo nÆ_n Bruinen dan in Ulaer! Nîn o Chithaeglir... ...lasto beth daer. Rimmo nÆ_n Bruinen dan in Ulaer!" (Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word. Flow waters of loudwater against the ringwraiths. Waters of the Misty Mountains listen to the great word. Flow waters of loudwater against the ringwraiths.).

Soon, a great wave came taking the forms of neighing horses that were powerful. It drowned the Ringwraiths but even the greatest lights sometimes could not keep darkness out of reach. The two sisters got to the end of River bank. Neverthless, the ring wraiths got over the challenging water silently warning the princesses of Imladris. Livia saw this only to turn around and notice that the halfling her sister was carrying will be out of reach in a heartbeat. She did the only thing she could.

"Get him. Get him to Ada. I'll hold them off." Livia screamed.

"But-" Arwen opposed seeing the fear her sister's eyes carried under the guarded brave expressions. But Livia as stubborn as she was, cut her off. "Go, he looks awful. I will be fine, Wen." Hearing this Arwen quickly made way for the palace knowing Frodo will not survive another late of a minute. As she passed the river, she felt the light leaving Frodo's life. she stooped and put down Frodo willing to give the light of her to Frodo. Livia saw her sister putting Frodo down. Her eyes got wide afraid of what might have happened but soon got to her senses as her keen ears took a sound of a screech.  She turned around to see the Ring wriaths succeeding from getting rid of the spell they used. 

"Glow my arrow!" Livia enchanted in Elvish and took her glowing arrows aiming at one of the nine. She shot one after another arrow, first targeting the ebony horses they're riding, secondly, the ringwraiths themselves. They had no choice but let the water guide them through its branches. They obeyed the will of the water and flowed along the river. Livia let out a sigh of relief. Everything got calmer and lighter.

"Arwen?" Livia called her sister subconsciously in her mind as she always reached her sister in her highs or lows.

"Livia!" She heard her sister calling back to her, Arwen's voice ringing in her mind.

"Aragorn is still out there. Can you make sure they are aware? I need to tend to the hobbit. I asked  Aeriel to send you two horses on my way to the infirmary" Her voice was rushed and Livia understood she was in a hurry so, she simply answered with a 'yes'.

After nearing their castle, she saw her sister's friend with two horses, each beautiful in its own way. Livia neared the horses and Aeriel as Aeriel mounted her horse, willing to come with Livia. Livia and Aeriel rushed in to the woods with the horses that followed their lead. Aragorn would have come from the inn of Prancing pony as it was the place where Mithrandir told him to stay and look for the hobbits if late met him. 

As they neared the side where Aragorn would be, Livia heard a angry voice ranting abut something. She made a move there as she saw Aeriel hearing it too. She saw in the corner of her eyes, Aeriel's hand's slightly searching for the hilt of her sword. They neared the voice and saw there were three hobbits and the ranger of North. 

"Livia!" Aragorn smiled looking at her as he felt fear leaving his body knowing that Frodo had gotten at Rivendell safely and that his lover is safe too. 

"They are elves too." A cute looking hobbit with dark brown hair more than the others told to the others. Aeriel's fingers moved from the sword hilt. 

"Where is mister Frodo?" A short and a little plump hobbit said.

"Calm down, shireling. He is now in the refugee of the Elves, getting tended." Livia answered mounting off from the horse, Aeriel following suit.. 

"Livia, did Gandalf make it to Rivendell?" Aragorn asked to which Livia's lips tugged upwards at relief.

"Yes, he did and he shall be fine. I came here to take you to our Elvendom, young hobbits. Be quick and you will meet your friend there." Livia said looking at the worried looking three hobbits only to look at Aeriel silently asking if the horses needed a rest. She smiled and refused. 

"No, my lady. They can rest at Rivendell. Let's make our way to rivendell before danger meets us." Aeriel said to which Livia nodded. She looked at Aragorn.

So, Livia, Aeriel and Aragorn ended up sharing their horses with the three hobbits who didnot have tall legs to ride horses. 

Livia rode with Pippin while Aeriel rode with Merryiadoc. Aragorn chose to ride with Sam.

After some time, they neared Rivendell. They all went to the stables and mounted off from their horses, rubbing them for some time as Aeriel went to take their food. 

After the hobbits went to their friend and Aragorn parted their ways as he went to meet Arwen, possibly, Livia made her way to the castle gates only to hear the sound of Galloping.

When she looked back,  she saw a group of Elves making way to Rivendell, their green clothes indicating that they are from Mirkwood. They all neared her and mounted off from their horses.

"Pardon me." Livia looked at the leader who was treasured with blonde hair almost reaching towards his back and shining blue eyes which she was sure had seen before. He looked like a royal with his guarded expression and how he held his bow. She searches his eyes wishing to remember those blue eyes but leaving with no clue. His voice again rang in her mind as it cut her thoughts.

"Can you show us the way towards the castles Entrance? We are here from um.. Mirkwood." The leader said stuttering a little as he felt her connection to him.

"Of course. Follow me, if you would." Livia told them and turned around leading them to the main castles entrance where she saw Gandalf looking at them and the men, the dwarves that arrived and then she showed them the stables. After Livia let Thilen go to the stable room, She looked up to the necessities of the elves and other guests as the princess of Imladris. And found some servants to provide things if they needed some. She quickly said goodbye to the elves and left the stables. She felt a pair of eyes watching her but she ignored it and hurried to find the hobbit and her sister. Or her father, Her mind silently recognizing the leader as the prince of Mirkwood who she had met ages ago.


Underlined- Elvish language

I Do NOT own Lord of the rings or  hobbit.

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