Chapter 08 - Her own journey

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Livia ran out of that dark place and took the road which they all took to come to Moria. She walked and ran sometimes keep focusing on the road but also drowning in her thoughts.

The first thing that came to her was her Ada, her brothers, Elladan and Elrohir, her sister, Arwen. She wished that she had a chance to say goodbye to her brothers, listen to their calming voices as one stroked her hair and the other held her in his arms. She wished that she would again have family nights. Nights on their birthdays, running and laughing not as princesses or generals or leaders, just siblings. she remembered how Arwen took most of her mother's responsibilities as she departed to Valannor, how she took care of her. Livia always showed others that it was annoying yet internally enjoying it. She missed them. Their calming voices and their soothing hands and eyes that was deep as oceans or skies. Her ada. His unnecessary overprotectiveness. Her mother whom she hasn't thought in years. Her shining blue eyes and blonde hair that can be mistaken into snowy hair just like Livia's. her words. "be kind and courageous." Livia was very young when her mother departed so, she could not remember many things about her. She sighed and tried to think of another thing because this subject makes her sad.

Then, her thoughts travelled to a certain prince. Legolas. These pass days they have really grown close. Livia could not find it yet. The feeling she feel towards Legolas. But he is not just a friend. Her heart gets warm whenever she looked at him filling with calm and soothing thoughts. Her slight blush whenever he smiled at her. The feeling she feel towards him has never been felt by another. Just thinking about him made her smile. His calming blue eyes and his long, shining blonde hair. She doesn't like him because he was royalty. She liked him because of his personality. His kindness, calmness and humor which he doesn't really show much.

She was cut out of her thought by a noise of galloping of horses. She was now near the forest that she had to pass to go across the mountain. For when she is alone, she can go faster without resting for at least five days. She only needed three days or four days to get to the other side of Moria from the opening door. The fellowship didn't go in this way because this was too close to Rohan and Isengard but they won't notice a single maiden.

Livia quickly turned around hoping to see orcs but seeing men. The leader of the men seemed at middle age. No older than fourty five. They all came and surrounded Livia. Livia tightened her grip on her swords but did not attack yet because she certainly cannot take all of them. She had her hood on but only half. So, her face and some of her hair was visible.

"What does a single maiden, an elf maiden do in this forest alone?" The leader asked. She recognized him. He is Theodred, son of theoden. Livia has seen him when she travelled to Rohan decades ago. He was only a teenager.

"Speak!" He raised his voice. He did not recognized Livia even though she recognized him.

"I am passing this forest to the Mountain of Caradhras." She said in a calm and a soothing voice which made all the men stared with awe at the single maiden.

"And why is that?" Theodred spoke again mounting off from his horse, drawing his sword.

"I think it is my own business, Theodred, son of theoden." Livia said putting down her hood and showing her entire face. Theodred got a confused face and then, he bowed his head.

"Apologize, Lady Livia. I did not recognize at first." He said looking into her eye. Seeing this, Livia smiled. As he said the name, everyone stared at her in awe yet again.

"It's quite alright, Theodred." She said.

"My lady, what would a princess like you, do in this forest alone?" Theodred asked again.

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