Chapter 13 - The fellowship has been broken

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Livia went on the trip with Legolas and Gimli. They traveled. They talked. Gimli talked about the gift of Galadriel which earned a warm smile from both Legolas and Livia. Livia talked to Pippin and Merry even if they were not in the same boat. Hobbits were such amazing creatures to spend time with. She first learned it from Bilbo.


Halfway through their journey, Livia felt almost sick. Her head hurting as her ears buzzed. Her mind was occupied by a dark spirit. A dark present. A shadow and a threat. Lastly, they halted and mounted off. The fellowship stayed there for the night hoping to set out soon. Livia went a little far from the fellowship, trying to look around when a voice interrupted her.

"Where are you going?" Legolas asked seeing her leaving them.

"Nowhere. Looking for some threats." Livia said looking around and again looking into Legolas's eyes. She saw hesitation in his eyes.

"You feel it too." She did not ask. It was a statement.

"Yes, whatever that is, it is not very pleasant. They are not orcs. They do not feel or have this much darkness in them. They are stronger." Legolas said looking into Livia's eyes he liked to see. She merely nodded. Then, Legolas noticed something. After the day they set off from Lothlorien, she always looked on her guard as if waiting for a threat to come at any moment. Her eyes held a fear in them which he had never seen. Her whole face looked worried and tired.

"You should go to sleep." He said finally breaking the silence. Livia looked at him. She did not need to go to sleep. And she did not want to raise suspicions from Legolas.

"No, I am not that tired. I ... I think I will take the night watch." She said. Sometimes, she really hated that she couldn't lie very well. Legolas noticed that but he knew that Livia did not want to push it. So, he went back to the Fellowship with Livia. When they returned, Aragorn and Boromir seemed to have an argument about something. Livia as she said took her night watch.


In the morning, they again mounted to their boats and set off. Finally, they arrived to the Argonath. All the way to here, Boromir and Aragorn did not look at each other. As they were able to see the huge marvelous statues, Aragorn tapped Frodo's shoulder indicating him to look up.

"The Argonath. Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old. My kin." He said as every other looked at it amazed. Livia had seen it before yet the marvelousness of the place was still able to catch her respect. They set off from the boats near a waterfall.

Livia and Legolas helped Aragorn to mount off the bags as he said that they will continue their journey by foot. After some time, Livia saw Frodo walking away. She knew that no one had seen him and that he wanted to keep it that way. So, she quickly went to Legolas.

"I am going into the forest to look for possible threats. Do not worry, Legolas." She said and he nodded not asking anything which was very grateful from the point of Livia's view. She went and blamed herself for not quickly doing it as she could not see a place Frodo went. Livia looked at some places for at least ten minutes when her ears noticed something. She went still trying to get a clear hearing.

"I only ask for the strength to protect my people." She heard Boromir yelling to whom Livia assumed as Frodo. Livia hurried to find him, worried beyond measure. Boromir had been caught under the ring's will. It was not very good. She found them.

"If you would but lend me the ring-" Boromir started but was cut off by a brave Frodo. "No" He said backing. Livia ran to them.

"Why do you recoil? I am no thief." Boromir said.

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