Chapter 11 - The mirror and talking

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After that meeting, Livia went to her room in Lothlorien and took a hot bath which she has not done since she came from her kingdom. After, she changed into a simple dress. Livia thought she could go to the lament which was sung for Gandalf but she knew if she did go there, she will definitely cry. So, instead she went to find the fellowship. She found them but not before hearing the lament. She went to them only to find Frodo walking away.


Livia followed him. He went and stopped at the small place mirror of her grandmother. Lady Galadriel was walking right in front of him. She went to where water falls and quickly pulled the jug out filling it with water.

"I know you are there, Liv. Do not disturb for this has to pass." Her grandmother said in her mind. Galadriel then looked at Frodo holding the jug which was now filled.

"Will you look into the mirror?" she asked holding the jug closer to her chest.

"What will I see?" Frodo asked in a strong voice but Livia could hear the doubt in that.

"Even the wisest cannot tell for the mirror shows many things..." Lady Galadriel said in her usual flowing voice as she went near to the mirror.

She started to pour the water she filled into the mirror basin. "Thing that were, things that are and somethings..." she got down after pouring all the water into the mirror. "...that have not yet come to pass." She walked backwards and waited patiently till Frodo come to look. As Frodo came near to the mirror, Livia started concentrating because the mirror does not always let her see everything. Frodo bent down towards the water.

Then, she started to see.

First, she saw Legolas and herself looking at her, then Merry and Pippin and then Sam then everyone else of the fellowship. Next thing she saw what she assumed to be the shire, Bilbo's house. Then, it changed. It changed into a peaceful view. Everyone was walking and laughing happily. And then again it changed, but this time to worst. Everyone was followed by orcs. Killing and eating. Fire blazing upon the houses and the trees as fire torches. Every hobbit as slaves getting hit by the nasty, disgusting orcs. The shire burned down completely. Not even a part of a building could be found but ash. Then, she saw it. The eye. It quickly shifted into another view what made Livia's blood freeze. Herself. Her white and snowy hair black as a crow's feather. Her lips pale and she was unconscious. Then, it again turned into the eye. Frodo's ring attracted to it.

The ring was getting closer to the mirror but Frodo pulled it out, falling backwards at the action but successfully getting the ring into his neck again. Lady Galadriel looked at Frodo narrowing her eyes but she was worried about what had happened to Livia.

"I know what it is you saw for it is also in my mind." Then, Galadriel looked at Frodo fully.

"It is what will come to pass if you should fail." Lady Galadriel spoke to Frodo in mind but Livia could hear her.

"The fellowship is breaking. It is already begun. He will try to take the ring. You know of whom I speak." Livia sighed sadly as she heard this. Yes, she know who he is. "One by one it will destroy them all."

Then, she saw Frodo's face as her place allowed to see both of them. Frodo was afraid yet very steady and strong. She felt regret surging through her body. He was such a caring hobbit that should not have involved in any of this.

"If you ask me of it, I will give you the one ring." He said talking the ring to his hand.

"You offer it to me freely." Lady Galadriel said and walked near, her hand raised.

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