Chapter 09 - Reaching Lothlorien

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Finally, she arrived at the other side of Moria. She jumped down from her horse and tried to find the door desperately.

Suddenly, she heard a crack and some people running out of the mines. Livia sighed in relief and ran over to the fellowship members. She saw Legolas first. She ran and hugged him but to her surprise he did not hug back.

"I'm sorry, Liv." Legolas said in Livia's ears. Hearing this, all the relief went out from her body, filling it with fear. She quickly pulled back, looking into Legolas's eyes. He would not meet her eyes. Livia knew she could not get anything from him. She turned around and looked around for the other members. They were all mourning. Her whole mind went numb as she realized who is missing. Gandalf. Livia looked at Legolas with fear in her eyes.

"What happened? Where is Gandalf?" she asked barely a whisper.

"he ... he was taken by shadow and flame..," what she saw became true. "...a balrog of Morgoth." He said. Then, she looked at everyone around her. Aragorn came and patted Livia's shoulder. "It's good to see you safe, sister." He told Livia but she could tell that his heart was not really on it. Then, she remembered what happened. The balrog. She nearly fell to the ground but before she could, a pair of strong arms held her. Legolas pulled Livia closer to him. Some tears streamed down on her face. She cried for a friend that has fallen. Then, she heard a voice yelling.

"Legolas, get them up." Aragorn said. Hearing this, Livia came out of Legolas's embrace and wiped her tears. She was determined to do everything she could for the fellowship she would take responsibility of this if she have to like how Arwen took responsibility after her mother. Legolas nodded and went to the hobbits to get them up. He was too still shaken from what happened. Gandalf was a dear friend to Legolas too.

"Give them a moment for pity's sake." Boromir said. Livia again wiped the hot tears that came out of her eyes.

"No, we have to move. I saw packs of Orcs from the north side, not too far." She said looking at Boromir in the eyes.

"She is right. By nightfall these hills will be swarming from orcs." Aragorn said. After that Livia made way to Merry and Pippin.

"We must reach the woods of Lothlorien." Aragorn said again. "Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Livia, get them up."

Livia bent down at Merry and Pippin.

"Let's go. It's not time to grieve yet. We will mourn at Lothlorien. Right now, we must get to the woods." Livia said gently putting her both hands on their shoulders. Legolas helped Pippin up as Livia helped Merry.

"Frodo, Frodo." Livia heard Aragorn yelling. Livia turned and saw how hard it is to Frodo. He made the decision and it caused them a life. Neither Livia nor the others did blame him.

Aragorn quickly put the necessaries of Hobbits on Lomen after feeding him some of the food they had. They all ran after and reached the woods of Lorien at evening. Near nightfall. They entered it. In Livia's mind, she was still crying over the fall of Gandalf.

"Stay close, young hobbits!" Livia heard Gimli saying to hobbits. "They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An elf-witch of terrible power. All who look upon her fall under her spell," Livia smiled sadly. This was not the real personality of her grandmother. She is a gentle and a kind soul.

"Frodo!" She heard her grandmother's voice in her head. She did not even flinch. Lady Galadriel has used her power when she was young to play games. So, Livia is quite familiar with the voice in her head. Her power allowed her to hear everything Lady Galadriel say to any other.

"And are never seen again." Gimli finished.

"You are coming to us is as the footsteps of doom. You bring great evil here, ring-bearer." Her grandmother's voice erupted through her mind yet again. But this time it was stronger. There is nothing on this Middle-Earth that can be hidden from the Lady of the Light. At least not for so long.

"Mister Frodo?" Sam asked from Frodo which made Livia smile again. The courage and the fondness of the hobbits still surprises Livia just as it did when she first met Bilbo.

"Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easily." Gimli started again. "I have the eyes of a hawk and the ears of a fox." He finished. Suddenly elves came out of bushes and pointed arrows at all of them. Specially Gimli. Livia saw Legolas pointing at some elves. Livia tried to hide a smile seeing the troubled face of Legolas's.

"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shot him in the dark." a tall figure said emerging behind the bushes receiving a growl from Gimli for what he said.


I don't own lotr nor the hobbit.

Hope you will have a great day/night!



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