Chapter 03 - The council of Elrond.

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In the morning, Livia got up and quickly began to dress into a beautiful elven dress which was green in color. It was beautiful.

She braided her hair in half and let the others fall loose

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She braided her hair in half and let the others fall loose. She also placed a silver circlet on her snowy hair.

And then she was ready. Livia went to find her Ada. Even though she is excited to finally participate in a secret council, Livia was afraid that she will mess it all. She just wished that she won't. Livia cut her thoughts as she saw her father instructing some elves to make the meeting place.

"Hello, Father." Livia said.

"Hello, Liv. You look beautiful. the meeting starts with in the next ten minutes. So, let us sit down." Ada said after finishing making up the outside room. He sat at the main room and his advisors sat down at the seats besides Livia's and her father's one. So, she sat down on the seat next to her Ada which was a little small than her father's. Soon elves, dwarves, men, Gandalf, Aragorn who was in love with Livia's sister which made her both happy, sad and Frodo came and occupied the other chairs. Most of them looked at Livia in awe as they have never seen a maiden with such graceful beauty. Legolas looked at her and smiled which made Livia blush a little. Her heart skipped a beat as she nodded at him. After another five minutes of whispering, it got quiet waiting for the meeting's start. Livia sat there gracefully representing their kingdom as her Ada stood up.

"Strangers from distant lands, friends of old, you've been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom. Bring forth the ring, Frodo." Ada said and waited patiently for the hobbit to put the ring on the table in front of them. Frodo slowly got up and put the ring on the table. He went back to his chair and Livia heard a sigh of relief which made her sad. Frodo or their any hobbit friends should not have been involved in this but here they are. After placing the ring, all people apart from Gandalf, Livia, Ada and Aragorn stared at it while they studied people that stared at it.

"So, it is true." Livia heard a faint whisper from Boromir. She looked at him with suspect as he stood. Then, he started talking.

"In a dream, I saw the eastern sky grow dark..." with every word he got closer to the ring. "...but in the West a pale light lingered, a voice was crying. 'Your doom is near at hand. Isildur's bane is found.'" He said getting suspiciously close to the ring. "Isildur's bane..." He whispered and try to grab the ring and Livia suddenly shot out of her chair and she heard Boromir's name yelling from her father. Just right then, Gandalf shot up and began to chant.

"Ash nazg durbatulûk, Ash nazg gimbatul, Ash nazg thrakatulûk, agh burzum-ishi krimpatul." Middle of this black speech of Mordor, Livia quickly grabbed her chair and sat down and closed her eyes before she collapses as it sent an unbearable pain through her head. When it cleared, she quickly opened her eyes to see the black sky she saw when she closed her eyes disappearing placed by the familiar sunlight. Then, Livia saw Boromir with a surprised look when he sat down.

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