Chapter 04 - Setting out from Rivendell

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After the meeting, Livia went to my room to gather weapons and choose a warrior dress to wear tomorrow morning.

"Liv." Arwen called and she turned around to see Arwen with a worried face. "Please, don't leave us. It is not safe." She said as a tear made way across her face.

"It's okay, Arwen. I will be fine and I promise you we will see each other soon." Livia said as she hugged her tightly even though she did not yet know what she just promised is going to be true. Even if Livia stayed alive, which is also debatable, Arwen has to take the ships to Valannor. At least, they will see each other there. Arwen hugged her little sister with so much compassion and whispered, "be careful, liv." Livia nodded still in their embrace. Then, after another five minutes, they pulled apart. They both were crying a little. After Livia did all she had to with the help of her beloved sister, she went to find her Ada. Livia hugged him and told him she would be okay. Elrond smiled sadly. Yes, he expected this from the moment he let his daughter on this dangerous council. His youngest daughter always represented her mother. Her caring heart, her smile, her blue eyes and snowy hair. Elrond loved her a lot but he knew that he would have to let her youngest daughter go. He was worried about her a lot. He promised to himself that he would do anything to keep her and Arwen safely. They said farewell to each other because tomorrow morning, they will go and probably will not have time to say goodbye again.

Then, Livia went to her room and quickly went to bed for tomorrow is going to be a day which Livia never forgot.

Next morning, as she woke up, Livia quickly got dressed into a warrior dress with a hood added to it and braided her hair from three places. Also, she took her two swords and put it to her back. Then, Livia put the arrows and the bow. Lastly, she put a dagger on her boot, Just in case. She also put her necklace and bracelet which her grandmother Galadriel gave her years ago telling it will help you in dark. and last, she took some elven herbs as medicine.

Livia was ready and she went outside from room only to find Arwen and Lord Elrond at her corridor. She hugged them again. Then, she went to find the other fellowship members at the gate.

The first to notice Livia was Legolas. He smiled but Livia can clearly see it was covered with worry. Legolas is indeed worried about her safety. He did not know her potential in battle and he was afraid for the safety of Livia. Then, it was Merry and Pippin who Livia talked to before she went to her room yesterday. They saw her and their smile grew wider which made her smile. They told the others. So, everyone looked at her. Then, she realized that Aragorn was not there yet.

"I hope you will not be a burden to us, milady." Boromir said as he looked at me with a little hint of annoyance and awe.

"I will not. I can assure you, Boromir and Livia is fine." She said as she saw Gandalf look at Boromir with suspicious. At that moment the other elves came with Aragorn and Arwen. Her Ada came and started talking

"The ring-bearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom. On you who travel with him, no oath nor bond is laid to go further than you will. Farewell. Hold to your purpose." Ada said looking at all of them with couragive smile. He continued.

"May the blessings of elves and men and all free folk go with you." He said talking his hand to chest and let it go forward. Soon, Aragorn, Gandalf, Legolas and Livia followed suit. She saw Gimli also doing that which made her smile a bit.

"The fellowship awaits the ring-bearer." Gandalf said and moved his hand to the path for Frodo. He passed the others. Livia went for the line with a last look at Arwen and her beloved Ada. She moved forward side by side with Legolas when she heard a small whisper.

"Mordor, Gandalf, is it left or right?" Frodo asked.

"Left." Gandalf answered with the same whisper. Livia smiled. As she looked at Legolas, he was smiling too. They met their eyes and they smiled together.


I do Not own Lord of the rings or hobbit.

Hope you will have a good day/night!

R&R and thank you for reading!


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