Chapter 05 - Midnight talk

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After a day, leaving Imladris, Livia was having the night watch. She was watching but her mind was thinking too. Saruman. How could he betray us? He was my teacher and Gandalf's friend. As a little elfling, I enjoyed their company as much as I do with my brothers and sister. She was pulled out of her thoughts when she heard a faint sound. Then, someone sat beside her. When she looked at who he was, it was Legolas.

"Do you mind some company?" He asked.

"No, not at all." Livia smiled at him.

"What were you thinking about? I can always listen, you know." He said as he started to stroke the little fire with a stick. Livia looked into his eyes as he looked into hers. Livia then knew she could trust him with her life. She sighed looking again at the fire.

"I was just thinking about Saruman. I grow up with him but he would betray us? It hurts to know that." She said to Legolas in a small voice as he looked at her.

"Saruman was your teacher?" he asked surprised.

"He was more than a teacher. Gandalf and he was my friends. When I was little, they would make small arguments just to make me smile." Livia said and smiled at the memory. Then, she sighed as she remembered today. "Thinking that someone like that would betray us for power. Yes, Saruman always grow impatient and he always try to do easy things to get power. But betraying us for Sauron? I cannot imagine that. He helped Lady Galadriel to destroy Sauron and now he just going to do that. It's hard." By now, she had some tears falling. Legolas saw and put his hands around her shoulders pulling her closer to him. She cried to his chest, even though she was in her night watch. She was sure that Legolas is covering for both of them. After at least fifteen minutes, she redeemed herself and got out of Legolas' embrace. She missed it the moment she got out. She then looked into his eyes and smiled.

"Thank you, my prince." She said smiling.

"Anytime, milady." He said looking at her.

"Go, sleep. You need it. I will guard them." She said as she remembered that Legolas didn't slept last day. Even though they can stay awake for at least a week without getting much sleepy, they still need sleep to keep their strength. Specially in a quest like this.

"No, it is alright. I am fine." he said.

"No, no, it is not. You need to sleep." she said as she lightly pushed Legolas where the others slept.

"If you command me milady. Good night, liv." He said and walked away smiling teasingly leaving Livia shocked with the use of her nickname. She smiled shaking my head.


Short chapter.

I do NOT own the Lord of the rings or hobbit!

Have a great day/night!

R&R and thank you for reading.


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