Chapter 14 - End of the ease

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Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli ran through the forest, slaying every Uruk-hai they met. They ran to find Boromir, Livia and the hobbits. After at least ten minutes, Aragorn found them. He fought their leader and killed it only to find the other man of the fellowship sliced by three arrows. He ran to him and tried to took off the arrows on him.

"They took the little ones and Livia." Boromir said. Hearing this, Aragorn felt more worried. Worried about his sister and friends. But now he has to focus on the man before him who was pale as moonlight.

"Hold still." He whispered and looked at the wounds more observantly. They were not very good.

"Frodo. Where is Frodo?" Boromir asked. His voice was barely steady.

"I let Frodo go." Aragorn whispered. Not meeting Boromir's eyes but finally meeting them.

"Then you did what I could not. I tried to take the ring from him." Boromir said.

"The ring is beyond our reach now." Aragorn said to make Boromir comfortable.

"Forgive me. I did not see it. I have failed you all." Boromir said.

"No, Boromir." Aragorn cut him off. "You fought bravely. You have kept your honor." He said as he tried to take the arrows out of Boromir's body.

"Leave it. It's over. The world of men will fall and all will come to darkness and my city to ruin." Boromir said.

"I do not know what strength is in my blood, but I swear to you, I will not let the white city fall nor our people fail." Aragorn said reassuring Boromir.

"Our people"

"Our people" Aragorn repeated the words that came out of Boromir's mouth. Boromir stretched his hand and with Aragorn's help, he touched his sword and brought it to his chest. In this moment, Legolas came to them. He saw Aragorn on the ground kneeling at Boromir who has been sliced by three arrows.

"I would have followed you, my brother. My captain. My king. I just hope she would have forgiven me for my actions." Boromir said.

As if hearing this, Livia awoke from her unconsciousness. She did not know where she was. She did not know how she moved. She did not know what dangers she would face. She did not know who were near her. But in that moment all she saw was the pained face of Boromir, who asked for her forgiveness. So, Livia gathered all the strength she had left and focused. She sent a massage for Boromir. She used most of her strength. More than needed. So, it was not only heard by Boromir but Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli as well. She sent him three words that brought a smile to Boromir's face and allowed him to breathe his last breadth happily. Three words that made Livia fall into the endless darkness but it was worth it.

"I forgive you."


Aragorn had unshed tears as he closed Boromir's eyes and kissed his forehead.

"Be at peace, Son of Gondor." Aragorn stood up.

"They will look for his coming from the white tower. But he will not return." Aragorn said in a pained voice. Gimli who had arrived them after Legolas arrived, looked down with respect as did Legolas. They all gave Boromir a funeral by themselves.

All the time, in Legolas's mind, he still kept worrying about Livia. He did not know what had happened to her. He only heard her voice but it sounded so weak and far away. He knew that if she was here, she would want to look after Frodo than herself. Legolas did not want to do it but it's what she wants and if she talked in mind, that meant she still had energy. At least, Legolas hoped. After finishing the funeral, Legolas quickly pulled the boat from the river edge.

"Hurry! Frodo and Sam have reached the eastern shore." Legolas told to Aragorn and noticed something. He turned to face the man who was bandaging his hand. He looked from it and looked at the way where one boat float instead of two.

"You mean not to follow them." He said. Aragorn finally settled his eyes on the elf.

"Frodo's fate is no longer in our hands." He said. Gimli came.

"Then it has all been in vain. The fellowship has failed." He said reaching the others as Legolas came closer to Aragorn. Gimli and Legolas waited in front of Aragorn to say something. Aragorn came closer and put his both hands on their shoulders.

"Not if we hold true to each other." Gimli put his own hand on Aragorn's.

"We will not abandon Merry, Pippin and Livia to torment and death." Aragorn said which earned a questioning look from Legolas. Aragorn understood what he needed.

"Yes, they have taken them." He said. Hearing this, Legolas became worried for Livia. But before he could say anything, Aragorn tightened his grip on Legolas's shoulders.

"We will not abandon them. Not when we have strength left. Leave all that can be spared behind. We travel light. Let us hunt some orc." He said putting his dagger. Legolas and Gimli looked at each other and smirked.

"Yes!" Gimli said going after Aragorn. Legolas went behind them.

Wait, Livia. We are coming.


So, as I have told you guys before this amazing and beautiful book will never be mine. So, peace.

Anyway, thank you for reading.

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See you later and hope you will have a great day/night!


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