Chapter 10 - The mighty lords of Lothlorien

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"The dwarf breathes so loud, we could have shothim in the dark." a tall figure said emerging behind the bushes receiving agrowl from Gimli for what he said.


Livia smiled. Haldir was very fond of Livia when she was young. He was like another brother to Livia.

"Haldir!" Livia half-yelled.

"My lady Livia." Haldir said looking at her with wide eyes. Livia smiled.

After some minutes, they reached at the gates of Lothlorien. They did not talk at the forest because of the nearing of the nightfall.

"Welcome, Legolas son of Thranduil." Haldir said to Legolas turning around.

"Our fellowship stands in your debt, Haldir of Lórien." Legolas said bowing slightly. Then, Haldir turned to Aragorn.

"Oh, Aragorn of the Dúnedain, you are known to us." Haldir said.

"Haldir" Aragorn put his hand on his chest and brought it down.

"So much for the legendary courtesy of the elves!" Gimli growled. "Speak words we can all understand!" he nearly yelled.

"We have not had dealings with the dwarves since the dark days." Haldir said disgusted.

"And do you know what this dwarf says to that?" Gimli started which was not very good with the point of Livia.

"I spit upon your grave!" Livia looked at Gimli surprised and again at Haldir.

"That was not so courteous." Livia turned around to see Aragorn saying to Gimli.

Before anything else happened, Haldir moved to see the other members. His eyes stopped at the sight of the Hobbits. He drew a deep breath as he looked at Frodo.

"You bring great evil with you." Then, he turned.

"You can go no further" he said to Aragorn and went on his own way. Livia was slightly annoyed with this. They needed aid and Lady Galadriel would help them. Haldir stopped near Livia.

"My lady, we are sorry." He said and went only to be followed by Aragorn. Livia followed them both wanting to hear what they were saying. They were arguing whether let the fellowership in or leave. Livia knew this would not go anywhere. She rolled her eyes in a very un royalty manner. She went and locked eyes with Haldir.

"Haldir, we need your help. I have not asked you a thing in my long life and I am asking you now. Please, let us meet Lady Galadriel." She said. Haldir looked at her for some moment and looked at Aragorn again. He then sighed and went to the other members. Aragorn smiled at Livia gratefully. Livia returned the smile.

"You will follow me." Haldir said and guided them towards a road. They walked for at least fifteen minutes. Livia already knew these roads. She lived here for a long time after her mother departed. Even before that. She did have friends here but they have sailed to the undying lands. They finally arrived. Everyone drew deep breaths as they saw the beauty and gracefulness of the elven kingdom's heart.

"Cares Galeton. The heart of Elvendom on earth. Realm of the Lord Celeborn and of Galadriel, Lady of Light." Haldir said with respect and fondness.

All of them walked to the chamber where Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn meet the other people. Livia looked at all of them as their eyes showed how magnificent and majestic the place looked like. They finally arrived. Haldir went to the side so, the others could speak very freely.

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