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okay, don't be mad at me. i know we were suppose to leave for christmas and i totally shut you out but i promise this time it was work related and not me shying away. we're still on to meet only it'll be this week instead darling. all in time for new years.


baby, i promise okay.

and im suppose to believe that? i had everything packed z. i waited for you for hours and even texted you non stop. when i got no reply for the last few days i just gave up.

baby, my phone had been off for work i swear. look. i-what can i do to make this up to you?

absolutely nothing. im done.

seriously harry, please?

fuck u.
harry shuts her phone off until she heard a knock. she sighs before getting up. she knew niall was suppose to be coming over to cheer her up once again with a ton of ice cream and pizza.

"thank god niall. you took-"

harry just stares at the person in front of her with a glare. "what the hell are you doing here?"

"i miss you, babes."

"leave greg. now!"

"come on baby. im sorry, okay? i never should have dumped you."

"seriously greg, fucking leave."

"come on harry. i apologized. what more do you want?"

"i don't want anything from you. you're the second biggest asshole on the planet."

"second huh? that means you hate someone more than me. means i got a shot."

"no it means shit. if you don't get out im calling the fucking cops."


"she said leave asshole." dylan glares at the guy.

greg raises his hands before stepping back. harry allows her brother in before slamming the door.

"god! why do i attract assholes?"

"don't know little sister. but you deserve better than greg and this z guy. niall told me to tell you he can't make it. and since your phone was off neither of us could reach you."

"im sorry. z kept texting and i just turned it off."

"why not just block his number."

harry sighs. "because i really like him dyls. and it's different with z than greg. i just feel a bigger pull to him. like he might be my soulmate. i don't know. am i fooling myself?"

"if that's how you feel sister, it's how you feel. just know if he hurts you, ill kill him."

harry gives him a half smile and nods. dylan kisses the top of her head before heading out.

harry turns her phone back on and sees z texting her. her eyes widened when she reads the last text.

you still got your location on. im coming to you and we're gonna work this out.

and when their was another knock on her door that night her heart beats fast.

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