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"okay mister malik. why did you ask me to meet you here? i was kinda busy you know? i was so close into getting dick from my boss once again." niall states as he hops him to zayn's car.

zayn just rolls his eyes before pulling something out of his pocket.

"woah! i know i make jokes about you here and there but it's nothing. don't kill me for it." niall jokes.

zayn just shows him the small box before opening it.

niall eyes widened.

"is this?"


"holy shit! my best friends getting married!"

"keep your voice down would you? and not yet. she hasn't said yes."

"you're fucking kidding right? she fucking loves you piece of shit! of course she'll say yes."

zayn smiles hugely.

"i can't believe this is happening. wow!"

"i know. i love her more than anything and i feel like it's just time to ask. i don't care if it's only been a year. i just—i need you to do something for me."

"okay. what's up?"

"i got this whole thing set up. i wanna take her out to dinner before i propose. but i need you to set something up at the beach for me. i need you to gather all of her close friends and family. i need you to make sure everything is set up right as well."

"okay! yeah. i can do that for you! im so happy right now. i might just tear up right now." niall states.

"please don't."

"it's too late." niall tears up. zayn playfully rolls his eyes.

"you don't understand! ive seen harry date that asshole and constantly forgive him over and over to now being in love with a musician she's been obsessed with for a while. now she's gonna marry that said musician. i never thought she'd ever leave greg's ass."

"he is an ass."

"exactly! thank you for making my best friend the happiest person in the world."

zayn hugs niall as best as he could while in the car. "of course!"

"now when is this all suppose to go down?" niall wipes his eyes.


"the fuck, zayn?!"
harry and zayn walk hand and hand on the beach. they had just come from dinner and now we're just enjoying their time together.

they haven't been on a date in a while so harry was pretty glad to get this opportunity to just be with her lovely boyfriend

"i got an idea."

"what's that babe?"

"let's play tag? just run around like children, yeah?"

harry giggles. "fine! but you have to be it first."

"okay." this was all part of the plan. he was gonna let her run around until she reached the spot where everything was set up.

then as soon as she's in view, niall will shut on the light and she'll see all her friends and family there.

then he'd get down on one knee and niall will turn on the sign and he'll officially propose to her.

harry runs away from him giggling. zayn chases after her before she stops.

now zayn's nervous. he was afraid she wasn't ready for this. but he knew he was.

"mom? dad? niall? dyls? what are you all doing here?"

they all shrug. harry soon turns and couldn't spot zayn.

she looks down and gasped. there he was with the most beautiful ring she's ever seen.

she turns and sees the 'marry me' sign.

"harry. when i met you i had a shit record label and i just ended things with a girl i knew deep down wasn't right for me. now today, i am standing in front of your best friend and family members asking you to be my forever officially. i love you my angel. please accept my honor and marry me baby."

"yes! holy fuck, yes!" harry tears up.

zayn smiles and slips the ring on her finger. "i love you so much darling. i can't wait until you're my wife."

zayn lifts up and kisses her passionately. "i love you princess. more than you know!" zayn whispers in her ear.

"i love you too." harry states before squealing and showing off her ring!

3,000,000 likes harrystyles i said yes 💍👰🏻‍♀️view all 647,000 comments **********a/n finished with this story!

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harrystyles i said yes 💍👰🏻‍♀️
view all 647,000 comments
finished with this story!

i like to thank everyone on this journey.

i wanted to try and write a story where harry doesn't end up preggers in the first book.

the second book will come out once i finish another story. probably tonight.

love you guys so much ❤️❤️

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