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zain kisses harry over and over again. he was heading back to his apartment after spending another week at hers.

zain knew harry wasn't too far away from his own apartment complex. but he was gonna be busy for the next few weeks. and with harry starting school on tuesday, they both weren't gonna have a lot of time to spend together.

harry laughs at him as she pushes him gently. "zain."

"im sorry, babes. just gonna miss waking up to your pretty face."

"gonna miss you too. promise to text me when you get home?"

"mhm. might be in la for a two weeks love. gotta finish up this album."

"i can't wait. bet it's gonna be one of the best."

"nothing compared to my second one though, yeah?" zain smirks.

harry blushes. "you can't hold anything i said about you in the past accountable. i didn't know i was talking to the man himself."

"i think i can baby." zain states.

harry playfully rolls her eyes. "you should go before i force you to stay with me another week and your manager gets pissed."

zain hums. "yeah. see you soon babes."

"bye." harry kisses him one last time before he waves and walks out the door.

harry smiles hugely. she couldn't believe that she was actually dating her celebrity crush. harry had been texting the zain malik. how did this happen?

harry knew that their were a lot of things they needed to discuss. but for now she was happy.

harry hears her phone ring and frowns when she looks at the caller id. her dad was calling.

she knew he never called unless it was an emergency.

"dad? what's going on?"

"nothing baby. just wanted to hear from you."

"okay. you sure you're good? is mom okay?"

"yeah. your mother's fine."


"he's good too baby. i just wanted to check on you. your mother's worried because you haven't called her the last two weeks. it's not like you."

"everything is fine. i promise."

"okay darling. do you need anything? money? food? let me know."

"no dad. im good. thanks though."

"of course baby. you know we love you. with you deciding not to live with us in college like dylan, it's hard baby. your mother and i just worry."

"i know. ill stop by tomorrow."

"okay darling. talk to you soon."

"bye dad. love you." harry ends the phone call before deciding to hop in the shower.
i know. terrible ending. but i updated for you guys four times in the last few hours.

thank you all for the support by the way. i really try my best with these stories. hope you all enjoy reading them as much as i enjoy writing them. xx

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