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"biggest pet peeve?"

"i don't like it when people spit." harry states.

zayn laughs. "what?"

"you know? when people just spit. don't like it. it's gross."

"baby, you're gonna have to clarify that. because you say when they spit and im thinking cum."

harry pushes him playfully. "you're disgusting. get your mind out of the gutter mister malik."

zain chuckles. "sorry."

"what about you? what's your biggest pet peeve?"

"i think that if you're gonna be front row at a concert, you should know more than one song. and you should definitely know the lyrics. otherwise you're taking the experience from those who aren't as fortunate as you are just because you have a little more money than they do."

harry hums. "never thought about that. you make a good point."

"i know. im not a genius for nothing love."

"whatever loser. what's your least favorite thing about me?"

"about you?"


"that you're too friendly but i also really like that about you."

"too friendly. what do you mean?"

"babe, we've been dating for almost six months. three in person. and every date we've been on, when they waiter is rude as fuck, you're still very polite. even before we met in person you told me these stories about you being nice to people who didn't deserve it."

harry shrugs. "it's what my mom taught me. she said if you're not nice to others than others will be rude to someone else. especially workers. sometimes people just have bad days. and when you're kind to them, despite them being rude, it can change their whole day. treat people with kindness. that's our motto."

zain nods. "i get that. sometimes though babe, they truly don't deserve it. you're too pure for this world."

harry blushes. "first kiss?" harry asked.

"a girl named shelly. she was sweet. a bit awkward though. still one hell of a kisser."

"better than me?"

"never." zain kisses her gently.

"right answer." harry whispers.

"first love?"

"greg believe it or not."


"same. what about you?"

"kim actually. she was breathtaking. thought she was the one. but i guess not, huh?" zain grabs harry's hand.

"i guess not." harry laughs.

"first time?" zain wiggles his eyebrows.

"name was kevin. it was my freshman year of high school. he thought i was cute. i thought he was hot. worse three seconds of my life."

zain shakes his head. "he was probably just nervous. or because of how warm and wet you were. i would have came instantly too." zain smirks.

"no. turns out he wanked before we fucked. found out years later why."

zain frowns. "why?"

"gay. he's actually married to his partner now. the kid he use to bully in high school."

"holy fuck. plot twist."

"yeah. but it all made sense. very happy for them."

"yeah. go kevin!"

harry laughs.

"favorite swear word?"

"do people even have favorite swear words.

"you do." harry states.

"i do not!"

"the amount of times you say fuck in your songs. ridiculous baby."

"shut-up. you love them all."

"i do. especially icarus interlude. such a classic."

"girl you, love me better than anyone." zain starts singing.

"stop or im riding your dick right now."

zain chuckles.

"you're fucking perfect. where have you been all my life?"

"waiting for your ass to fall for me." harry half jokes.

zain looks her deep in the eyes. "think i might have."

harry bites her bottom lip nervously. "yeah?"

zain kisses her passionately. "yeah." zain states. forgetting all about the game.

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