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zain and harry walk out of her room nervously. everyone turns to look at them while zain takes a seat next to his girlfriend.

anne was the only one to smile at zain. she grabs his a plate and serves him.

"thank you."

"you welcome. so, what's your name son?" anne asked.


anne nods.

dylan eyes widened. "wait, the musician you're obsessed with is named zain. this the same guy?"

harry clears her throat. "yes."

"musician? is that your profession?"

zain nods. "yes, sir."

harry's father was not amused. "and you're just gonna continue this career? theirs no money in that son."

"dad! he's a professional musician. his music career is doing amazing."

"is that right? that's exciting! you get to travel around the world for a living." anne states.

"yeah. travelings great. i prefer being home though. i normally write most of my album in my house before releasing it."

"anything ive ever heard?"

"maybe. i did a song with taylor swift. i don't wanna live forever."

"that's you?! i love that song. my daughters the one that introduced me to it. it's one of our favorites when we're having mother-daughter day."

harry blushes. "mom."

"what?" anne shrugs her shoulders with a smile.

harry shakes his head.

"what are your intentions with my daughter."


"it's okay. i really care for harry. she's a great woman. she has dreams and aspirations. she's extremely intelligent and i really see us becoming something bigger. something very beautiful." zain states.

harry smiles and grabs his hand. "yeah?" harry asked. she already knew but it's nice to hear him say it.

"yeah." zain smiles back at her. "that's wonderful! well, welcome to the family." anne states.

dylan nods and their dad hums. for the rest of dinner they all got to know a little bit more about zain.
"ill walk you guys out." harry states.

"be careful." zain whispers and harry nods.

she walks her parents and brother to their car. "so, what do you guys think?"

"he's great, sweetie." anne states.


"better than greg. he has my approval. and he's fucking hilarious."

harry smiles. two down. one to go.


"he seems like a nice young man. all that matters to me is he treats you with respect."

harry smiles hugely. "im glad you guys like him. i-i don't plan on ever letting this one go. he's different. special."

"oh, baby. are you in love?"

"could be. too soon to tell. but ill let you know mama. i love you guys. have a safe ride back home."

"we will. love you." anne kisses her daughters cheek.

harry waves bye as they drive off. she walks back inside and jumps on the bed beside zain.

"they loved you."


"mhm." harry looks deep into zain's eyes. "im glad."

"me too."

"wanna watch tv?"

"yeah. need cuddles."

zain wraps his arms around harry before turning on the tv.

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