Chapter 1 - How it all started!!

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This sure took a while! I've been thinking a lot about writing a Wattpad Romance Fiction and today I finally decided to. This is my first story and I'm new to everything here. If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong please let me know.

I hope Y'all will enjoy reading this.
XOXO. ❤️

-Picture of Jay
☁️Age: 19 ( Lives with his brother, their parents passed away from a car accident)
☁️ A very cute, beautiful, sexy and innocent boy with a good personality.

-Jay's POV

My name is Jay Kreyman. I'm a loner. Not so much by choice, more so due to the many events that have unfolded throughout my short life.

My parents died in a car accident when I was ten, and I've been living with my elder brother since then. Apart from my parents, my brother has been the only person who understands me and always willing to sacrifice himself for the sake of my happiness and well-being. We've had so many great moments that whenever I think back I can't help but to smile.

Something was weighing on my chest though. Around the time I turned thirteen I noticed I started having feelings..... for men. I wanted to wait before telling my brother but the timing felt as best as it could be. So the next morning I hesitantly made my way down to the living room then to the kitchen where I found my brother already up and eating breakfast so it seemed like a perfect timing.

"Morning." I greeted him but nervously looked at him.

"Hey, Morning." He greeted back. Sipping his cup of coffee. "You're up early!!" He asked looking at me in the face. "Why are you just standing there? Come sit and have breakfast, you don't usually wake up early on Sunday so you must be hungry." He added.

I sat down close to the kitchen counter. My hands shivering, my neck sweating and I finally met his eyes. "There's something I need to tell you Stig." I began, looking at him nervously. At that point there was no turning back.

"Sure, what's up?" He replied, digging into a bowl of cereal. Just looking at me waiting for me to speak. I hesitated awhile before choking up the next few words.

"I... I think I'm g-gay." The room went quite, Stig with an unreadable look on his face.

"You're fucking with me, right??" He spoke with anger obvious in his tone. I was frightened. I had never heard my brother use that word.

"I-I...." was all I could get out before having my knees give out on me. That was a sure sign to him that it wasn't a joke.

"You don't know what you're saying" He said as he held his head with both of his hands and paced aggressively across the room. I was so shocked and didn't dare stand in his way not knowing what would happen. At this point I was wishing and hoping I could take it all back, but sadly it had already slipped through my mouth.

"I'm sorry Stig, I'm so sorry!!!" I said several times after he sent a plate flying at me.

"This is ridiculous, It can't be...... you can't be!!!!" He said furiously while slamming his hands on the kitchen table.

"You can't just accept that your only brother is a living piece of shit." I said those words and they hurt me beyond relief. I was already weeping in the corner due to the previous events. He approached me with a hostile look for the first time, which made me freeze up right in my spot. He grabbed my hand and asked me angrily "Who turned you into a shitty mess??" His eyes widened as he spoke, his face turned red and I could see the poison running through his neck veins!!! He was so pissed off.

I couldn't say anything but apologize over and over, but he didn't hear a thing. He kept asking who turned me gay, why can't I be like any other normal boys, why did it had to be me!! The scene eventually died down as my brother had to go to work.

I sat there crying for hours not knowing what to do, I wish I could take it all back but what's done is done.
If water has been spilt, it cannot be scooped up. I finally got the strength to get up and head upstairs to my room locking the door behind. Trying not to think about what just happened.

- First chapter ends here. See you on the next one.
- I would like to hear what you guys think about this story, If anything is wrong please let me know. XOXO ❤️

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