Chapter 16 - The confession.

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Chapter 16 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you guys love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Kenny
☁️ Age: 20
☁️ He's a handsome young man. His piercing dark brown eyes, hair fluffy and curled pairing in colour with his eyes. A tall, button nose. and now how can forget those lips? Pink, soft and so kissable. His sexy appearance definitely captivates everyone.

-Kenny's POV

Harry left and I grabbed Jay by his shoulders and pinned him on the wall. Moving closer to him, I looked at him in the eyes.

"Are you thick in the head? You're all mine, but if you can't be mine then no one else is going to have you either. How many times do I have to get that into your nonexistent brain?" I shouted at him, everyone was surprised by what I just said including Jay himself.

"He or no one shall have your submissive side; the dark side and I'm the only one allowed to take your virginity." I spat loudly so that everyone could hear

Jay didn't do anything, he just froze there like an iceberg. His eyes were closed, it's like he didn't believe what he just heard. I moved even more closer to his face and kissed his lips in front of everyone.

Jay hugged me and cried at my shoulder while I was still boiling, he was trying to calm me down.......
After a while of quietness, Jay pulled away from me and looked at me in the face.

"What are you doing?? I told you not to" He whispered slowly into my ear

"I had to, after everything I've done to you and after seeing that dick friend of yours trying to flirt with you. I absolutely had to" I answered shyly

We stood there murmuring for a while before Aaron finally stepped forward and tapped my shoulder. I turned around and met a one heavy fist-to-face and I fell down.

"What is this you Faggot? What did you do to my friend?? Did you bewitched him to love you?"  Aaron asked Jay aggressively moving towards him

"Nothing, I did nothing" Jay answered in a scared voice with his eyes shut and his lower lip shaking

"Then what is all this?" Aaron shouted at him

"If you don't get the fuck away from him, I swear I will end your miserable life" I shouted at Aaron and I stood up

Aaron looked at me "Don't tell me you've fallen for this shit?" He asked

"I have. And that's not shit, that's my boyfriend." I answered proudly

"What about me?" Sarah asked stepping forward slowly

"I'm sorry but you're a controlling bitch, and I never felt anything about you." I answered with seriousness written all over my face

"Then it'd be fun to watch this Fag make you wish that you had never been born" Aaron spat loudly and Jay was really scared, he had his eyes closed all the time

"Do you think he really loves you? Do you know what he's been doing behind your back?" Aaron asked Jay in disgust

Jay opened his eyes slowly and asked Aaron "What do mean?"

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