Chapter 2 - Unfolding the mystery.

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Chapter two is here. I know Y'all must be hating Stig at this point, but there's a plot twist coming that's gonna make you all understand why he did that to his brother.

Again, If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong please let me know.

I'm really looking forward to seeing your comments on this. XOXO ❤️

-Picture of Stig
☁️Age: 23 ( Jay's brother)
☁️A tall, handsome, muscular, dark haired guy with a perfect appearance.

-Stig's POV

My name is Stig Kreyman. I'm Jay Kreyman's brother. I go to same school with my brother, my girlfriend (Violet) and my two other friends (Kyle & Davis.) We are the popular  "Three guys, one girl group"  at the school. Jay's in class 2 and we're in class 5, just three classes apart.

I go to school on weekdays and I also work at Ommy's Supermarket on weekends. It was a beautiful Sunday morning, I woke up early as I usually do preparing myself for work. I brushed my teeth, took a quick shower and got dressed ready for take off. I went down to the kitchen for breakfast and as I was drinking my coffee I heard Jay's voice from the kitchen doorway behind me.

"Morning" he started.

"Hey, morning." I looked at him, drinking my coffee. "You're up early!!" I asked still looking at him in the face. Jay never wakes up early on weekends. He barely wakes up early on weekdays and I'm sometimes late for school because of him. So I assume he was hungry that's why he woke up early today so I asked him to sit down and have breakfast with me. He sat by the kitchen counter. He looked stressed and worried.

Before I could ask anything he looked at me in the eyes and finally spoke "There's something I need to tell you Stig" he looked at me nervously. I've never seen Jay like this before so something must be wrong. "Sure, what's up?" I replied curiously, digging into my cereal bowl, looking at him waiting for him to tell me what's wrong. "I think I'm gay" he suddenly spoke looking at me in the face with a scared look in his eyes as I looked back at him.

My body shivered and I couldn't believe what I just heard. A book of painful memories popped up and opened in my head, the flash images running through my mind I couldn't feel anything else but anger and frustration towards my brother. "You're fucking with me, right??" I asked in a serious and dark tone filled with anger. He looked frightened because he has never seen me like this before, I'm always smiling, playful and funny to be around with, but today Jay saw a total different side of me.

Jay tried to talk but he couldn't manage to get a single word out of his mouth and he collapsed onto the kitchen's floor with his eyes full of tears. "You don't know what you're saying, You don't know what you're fucking saying" I said repeatedly as I held my head with both of my hands trying not to do anything crazy. Jay was so shocked and all he managed to say was "I'm sorry Stig, I'm so sorry!!!"

He said that several times after I couldn't control myself anymore and threw a plate flying at him. "I argued with Jay, telling him that it can't be, he couldn't be gay it cannot be."

"You can't just accept that your only brother is a living piece of shit" Jay said it with a broken tone in his voice. After I heard those words coming from Jay's mouth, I totally lost it and couldn't stop myself as I approached him and grabbed his arms smashing him furiously on the kitchen walls.

"Who turned you into this kind of a shitty mess??" I spat out, my words laced with venom. I was so pissed off. Jay couldn't say anything else rather than apologizing over and over, I couldn't understand anything that came out of his mouth, I kept asking If anyone turned him gay or anything. All he did was cry, I let go of him aggressively causing him to stumble and fell to the floor, I took my phone, backpack and car keys then left for work leaving Jay crying behind like a baby.

On my way to work I kept thinking about everything that just happened today. Between my brother and my dark history, I couldn't pinpoint what it is that's bothering me the most, and not knowing what's bothering me is also bothering me, If that makes sense. Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud"

My whole way to the Supermarket was quiet, I didn't even turn on the radio. I kept thinking about what I've done to my brother, Is it the right thing?? Did I had to go that far?? I knew that I hurt Jay's feelings and the guilt was killing me, I felt like shouting my lungs out but I couldn't even open my mouth.

After a few minutes I arrived at work, I greeted my boss and went to my work post. A few customers came in but I was totally blacked out that I couldn't even hear them come in, Ommy (my boss) came and asked me "Hey, are you okay? You seem a little off today. Is everything alright??" He asked.

I tried to say something but I didn't know what to say, I had no answer for his questions. It's true I wasn't okay but I can't just go blabbing my mouth about it to everyone. " I'm sorry boss but can I take a day off today?" I asked with a lower voice.

Ommy patted my back and said "Sure you can. If anything is bothering you, go solve it kiddo. I want the Stig that's energetic and funny. So go on and take the day off" He said with a reassuring smile on his face before he and went out of sight in the Supermarket.

I went to a pizzeria and I group called Violet, Kyle & Davis. The phone flashed as I saw all their faces on my screen and Davis asked curiously "Dude, you look pale. Are you okay??" Before I could say anything Violet said "Yeah, it's like you haven't slept for days!!! What's with you??"

I took a long sigh before opening my mouth and said that "Guys, something's bothering me and I don't know what to do. You're the only people that can help me now. So can you please meet me like now??" I asked and they were quite for a sec. "There will be free food Kyle" I added.

"Well, the day I say no to free food would be the day I was abducted by Aliens." Kyle said laughing. And then Violet spoke "Okay, where you at?? We'll be there in a minute." I hung up the phone and texted them the location, and in like 30 minutes I heard footsteps approaching towards me, It was them.

Violet sat beside me while the other two sat across the table. And Kyle finally asked "What's going on Stig, you look like you've seen a ghost!!" I looked at Violet's face and hugged her before breaking down into tears!! Both Kyle and Davis came closer and hugged me tightly.

I stopped sobbing and asked them to release me from their tight hug so that I could speak what was going on. I began "Something happened today at my house with my brother!!" They all sat quietly listening to me, I continued "But before I tell you that, you guys need to know something." I stopped, holding back my tears. Davis patted my shoulder as Violet holds my hands. "When I was ten years old, I was sexually molested by three gays at my old school's abandoned building" I stopped my voice cracking down and my eyes filled up with tears!!!!

-Second chapter ends here. See you on the next one.
-I can already feel how you guys are starting to feel the atmosphere change!! 😂😂
-I would also like to hear what you guys think about this chapter, If anything is wrong please let me know. XOXO 😘 ❤️

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