Chapter 5 - Things really are complicated.

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Our beloved chapter 5 of "His Beautiful Pain" is finally here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong with grammar, please let me know. I want to make you all feel happy when you read this book. I love you all.

I hope you enjoy reading this and please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter. I'm trying not to mess up a single line... XOXO ❤️✨

☁️ - Picture of Jay

-Jay's POV

After I blacked out I couldn't hear or felt anything for awhile until I opened my eyes to find myself covered in white sheets and blue outfits, I was in a hospital.

"You can see your patient now, he's awake" I heard the nurse's voice talking outside the door.

After a minute I saw the doorknob getting twisted and I looked at who was coming in, It was Stig. He met my gaze and froze, I smiled welcoming him inside and he got in closing the door behind him.

He greeted me and I greeted him back. He asked how I was doing and I told him "I'm still breathing, so I'm okay I suppose."

Stig started apologizing dearly and I touched his hand telling him that it's okay, everything was my fault. Stig said I was so brave to do what I did. Coming out like that isn't easy.

Then I asked him "So.... You mean.... You-you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked looking at him straight in the eye.

"I was never mad at you. I just made a mistake mixing my past with my present and look what happened!!" Stig explained.

"Past?? What happened in your past?" I asked nervously.

Stig looked down and stayed quiet for like about 5 minutes and when he got up to face me he was already shedding tears. I pulled myself closer to him then gave him a tight hug. And after a short while he pulled away and started telling me the story of what happened to him.

After he finished, I was speechless. My eyes watering, my body weakened and I weren't able to say anything! I suddenly jumped and hugged him with all the strength I got.

I was in so much pain as If I was the victim. I was so angry with myself for what I have done. I thought Stig hated me, but no he didn't. He did what he did because he was traumatized.

I felt so guilty inside. Stig pulled away after awhile and said.

"I love you so much Jay, you're the only family blood I have left. I would never do anything to hurt you, what I did was..... was.. I'm really sorry Bro, please don't hurt yourself again" Stig said softly.

"I didn't think. I never... I never thought about what would actually happen. I was so caught up in the moment, it's not like I'd planned any of it. I didn't intend to hurt you, I didn't intend... anything really." I said quietly.

"I'm never even going to do it again. I promise you to never hurt myself again." I said with a reassuring smile on my face.

Stig smiled back and seem a little relieved.

"The gang's outside, they want to see you." Stig said

"Okay, I want to see them too. It's been weeks since we last saw each other." I said laughing playful

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