Chapter 9 - Kenny Guzman.

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Chapter 9 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Kenny
☁️ Age: 20
☁️ He's a handsome young man. His piercing dark brown eyes, hair fluffy and curled pairing in colour with his eyes. A tall, button nose. and now how can forget those lips? Pink, soft and so kissable. His sexy appearance definitely captivates everyone.

-Kenny's POV

My name is Kenny Guzman. I'm 20 years old and I live with my parents, my parents are usually away on business trips and I always live alone.

I got transferred from my old school to a new one because my parents got transferred to another city. They are out of the town currently and I'm already used to it. I'm already used to living alone.

It's been two days since I've started going to this new school. I've met some friends and they welcomed me and asked me to join in their group. The leader of the group is called Aaron, they are the baddest group of the whole department. They use alcohol, weeds, and they are the most famous and scared group. I didn't mind hanging out with them because I don't mind any kind of company.

There's one thing about this group and everyone else in this school that I don't understand, why are they so fucking homophobic!!? There is this one boy that everyone hates just because he's gay. He gets bullied every single day and no one does anything about it.

At first I thought it was like a one time thing but now he has been bullied 3 times already in these two days. I couldn't stand it, I stood up and helped him. He got beaten up earlier today and I took him to the infirmary, everyone was surprised but I couldn't care.

He told me that because I was hanging out with Aaron and his friends he thought I was just like them. I didn't say anything and I keep thinking about this every minute.

It was raining heavily, coming down in thick sheets like bullets bombarding the parking lot. But I wasn't focusing on the rain, I was focusing on the crowd of laughing kids, huddled around one of the bike racks. My curiosity got the best of me and I glided over, shoving past the swarm of murmuring students to catch a glimpse of what was so interesting.

I gulped once I saw the mess that people found so amusing. One of the bikes had been wrecked, clearly done intentionally. It was dented, the metal twisted and bruised, the seat hanging off, the tyres punctured and deflated. And all I could think was, why are they laughing? It made me sick; it made me angry.

And my anger only grew when I saw a black haired boy, stood by the crowd, his eyes wide and laced with despair, his disheveled hairs wet and clinging to his forehead. It didn't take me more than a couple of seconds to gather that it was in fact his bike that had been destroyed. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath.

I didn't hesitate to elbow my way to the front of the crowd, finding a sense of bitter satisfaction in the way they all silenced, watching me expectantly. I tugged my hood over my head as the rain pelted down on the grey car park. I grabbed the bike, pulling it out of the bike rack before grabbing Jay's sleeve, yanking both him and the bike towards my car.

He followed with a blank expression, shivering from head to toe, his eyes wide and scared. People were watching my every move as I unlocked my car and tossed the bike in before locking up the back. I then jerked my head towards the passenger seat, signaling Jay to get in. After climbing into the driver's side and shaking my hair like a wet dog, I turned towards the other boy.

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