Chapter 10 - The pain.

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Chapter 10 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Jay
☁️ Age: 19
☁️ The innocent adolescence was clear to see, whether you're familiar with his personality or looks. He's Also gentleman, did i not say? Atire, manners, beauty , you name it. Just look into those immature eyes, touched with the hue of  mahogany, pairing perfectly with his ebony hair and light fawn complexion, then you'll see.

-Jay's POV

I got inside. Soaking wet, my eyes still puffy and my whole body shaking from the cold. I saw Stig and The Gang sitting at the dining hall, it looked like they were discussing something and none of them noticed me, I thanked God for that. I just wanted to make it to my room without being spotted by them. I looked miserable.

I silently went upstairs to my room, I got in and went straight to the mirror. I stared at myself for a while and I started smiling, I kept thinking about Kenny and everything that he has done today. I kept thinking about his actions and his words, I had been stupefied by them.

That guy had the ability to make my blood boil just by being in the same area. Even though I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for him, I can't help it, I already am. Maybe promises are meant to be broken. 

I picked up my phone and called Miley,

"Bestieee" She said as soon as she answered

"Hey Girl, are you busy?" I asked her

"No I'm not, I'm just laying down doing nothing" She said

"I want to tell you something" I started

"Sure, go on." She replied

I started talking, and I talked for a while. Telling her anything and everything about what happened and what Kenny did. I didn't realize how much I rumbled about him but Miley listened to all of it.

"OMG!! Jay you really like that guy, don't you?" She asked. I could imagine her smiling from her voice

"I am Miley. I really am" I answered happily.

"Of course you are, I can feel the excitement coming from your voice" She said

"Yeah yeah, I know, I'm like a high school girl head over heels for her crush."

"Well, aren't you??" She teased

"But I feel like this has bad Juju written all over it" I said sadly

"Why'd you think that?" She asked

"I don't know, It's just... just, I just don't know. What if it's a trick? What if he hates me just like everyone else??" I explained

"Jay, you just like to overthink things. There's nothing like that, just don't think about it anymore" She told me

"Okay. I won't think about it anymore, I'll just go with the flow" I smiled on the phone

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