Chapter 3 - The truth behind Stig.

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Well, I'm starting to get used to this.
I think I kinda got the hang of it.
I actually never thought I could ever be able to write a book, let alone a BoyxBoy fiction! This has been a surprise to me too 😂😂
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong with the grammar, please let me know.

I hope you enjoy reading this and please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what you think.
Thank you. XOXO ❤️✨

-Pictures of Stig, Violet, Kyle & Davis
☁️Violet Age: 22
☁️Stig Age: 23
☁️Davis Age: 23
☁️Kyle Age: 24

-Stig's POV

I stopped sobbing and asked them to release me from their tight hug so that I could speak what was going on. I began "Something happened today at my house with my brother!!" They all sat quietly listening to me.

I continued "But before I tell you that, you guys need to know something." I stopped, holding back my tears. Davis patted my shoulder as Violet holds my hands. "When I was ten years old, I was sexually molested by three gays at my old school's abandoned building" I stopped my voice cracking down and my eyes filled up with tears!!!!

They all had unreadable facial expressions and I couldn't tell what they were thinking. "My life has been so fucking hard these past thirteen years. Memories of what happened hunts me every single day and I just want it all to end" I said in a more broken tone.

Violet turned my head to face her and gave me a sweet peck on the lips then said "Stig, Remembering is only a new form of suffering. We have all got some things about ourselves we wish we could change, but it's completely out of our control. The only thing we can control is how we deal with it." She stopped.

I looked at her pretty face with my puffy eyes still watering tears like a waterfall. "We all need saving but it's just that we don't wanna be saved, let us help you get through this" Kyle said while hugging my back. I turned at him and hugged him tight too.

Davis was so shocked by what had happened and he just froze there looking at me like he wanted to cry so hard. Then he finally spoke "True friends aren't the ones who make your problems disappear. They are the ones who won't disappear when you're facing problems." His eyes were already shedding tears.

"We are going to get through this together, just know that you're not alone. We're always here for you Man" Kyle added. And at some point I felt like a heavy burden has been lifted off my shoulders. And I felt a lot much better than I've ever felt.

"And what happened with Jay?" Violet asked in a more serious and concerning tone. I didn't know where to start telling them what I actually did to Jay this morning because all of them loves Jay so much that they sometimes forget that I exist.

"Jay is... is g-gay" I pause, my hands shaking just from thinking about what I did!! "And what's wrong with that??" Violet asked. "Nothing is wrong with it but I couldn't control myself when he told me that. Referring to what happened to me years ago!!" I said crying.

"I freaked out and I said some hurtful things to him, I threw a plate at him, I even smashed him on the walls" I continued. Before I could say anything else Violet shouted at me "What the fuck have you done Stig?? What the actual fuck!!"

She sounded very angry and mad, "Dude, you really messed up. He's your brother for God's sake!!! Why'd you had to do all of that. Jesus, you went too far" Kyle spat. I could feel the rage fuming inside of him but I couldn't do anything to please him or Violet because hurting Jay was the last thing I had to do before going to sleep peacefully in my grave.

"When the incident happened to me thirteen years ago, I was traumatized. Everyone knew about it, it was all over the news and I couldn't even go out. People came in our house everyday to see me and go gossip around.

I thought the same thing happened to Jay that's why I was so aggressive towards him so that he could tell me If anyone did anything to him. I was just dealing with my retched past." I said sadly while looking down at the floor.

Then Davis Spoke "What would you felt If your parents did the same thing to you when that incident happened those years ago?? And what would you have felt If they didn't stand with you to the end??" He asked. "I actually would have died If my parents did that to me, I wouldn't been able to live" I said slowly.

"See?, that's exactly what Jay is going through right now. I swear you better start thinking with your brain instead of your dick otherwise you're going to grow up alone with no one in your life. Not you brother, not us, not anyone." Davis said in a more of a disappointed tone.

"You act, smell, and looks like a pathetic animal so I don't think you're in any position to judge anyone. You're an excuse of a brother, and human being." Violet spat, her eyes already full of tears.

At this point, I knew I really messed up. Hearing the truth hurts, but directly from the mouth of someone you love, then it's ten times worse. I should have never done that to Jay, but I did and now... It hurts a lot. Shouldn't it be easy to let go of the past and leave it all behind. Life isn't easy and this is just one obstacle I'm going to have to overcome.

"I'm so sorry guys, I never should have mixed my past with my present. I never should've done that to Jay. I was thinking and couldn't figure out how else to react." I started and Kyle cut me off "You were thinking huh? Well you can keep your thoughts to yourself." I kept apologizing until all of them calmed down and I pulled out my phone trying to call my brother.

My phone was in silent mode and I couldn't hear anything from it. After switching on the screen I found 18 missed calls and 7 messages from my brother. 5 messages was of him still apologizing and the other two messages startled me.

The first one said "Stig, I'm really sorry and I can't take it that my only brother can't accept me being gay" and the other one said "I love you so much and I always want you to be happy, I'm sorry for what I did but I couldn't think of anything else. I love you."

My eyes widened as my body started sweating, my hands started shaking and my entire thinking system was corrupted. I tried calling him but couldn't get through. His phone was off and the house's voicemail system was off too.

I freaked out just thinking about what had happened, why is his phone is off, and most importantly what had he done?? Did he ran away? Did he killed himself?? Why did he send these texts?? It's not like something bad has happened to him.

I asked myself so many questions but couldn't get an answer. I stood up, ran to my car and started driving home quickly, I didn't even said goodbye to my friends. I just took off like "The Flash."

A few moments later I arrived at the house, and Jay was nowhere to be found. I hurried upstairs to his room and it was locked from the inside, I tried knocking but couldn't get an answer or couldn't hear anything from inside. If anything happens to him I wouldn't be able to live with myself. The guilt was eating me alive.

After a few minutes later I decided to break the door and....... I couldn't believe what I just saw in my eyes "Jay.... Jay!!!" I called hurrying to his side. "What have you done!!"

- The third chapter ends here. See you on the next one. Love you all.
- I would like to hear from you, what do you think about this chapter?? What do you think Jay has done to himself ??
- Please comment you're thoughts, I would like to know what Y'all think. And If anything is wrong please let me know. XOXO ❤️

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