Chapter 15 - This is war.

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Chapter 15 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you guys love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Kenny
☁️ Age: 20
☁️ He's a handsome young man. His piercing dark brown eyes, hair fluffy and curled pairing in colour with his eyes. A tall, button nose. and now how can forget those lips? Pink, soft and so kissable. His sexy appearance definitely captivates everyone.

-Kenny's POV

I woke up early and went downstairs to prepare breakfast for Jay. When he wakes up I want him to have breakfast-in-bed, I know it sounds extra but I was tryna be romantic.

The breakfast was ready and as I was taking it upstairs I heard Jay's voice. He was on the phone and I assumed it was Miley because of the way he was talking. I stood at the door listening to him because I wanted him to finish talking before I could go inside.

I heard everything and I was stunned by every word Jay said. He cares and loves me so much but I didn't know it made him feel devastated and nervous. He was so scared that maybe I'd leave him, but I'm never going to do that.

He hung up the phone and stared outside through his window for a minute, I was still standing at the doorway doing nothing but looking at him. Admiring his hairs, his face and his body.

He turned around and met my eyes and I could absolutely tell that he was shocked, it's like he didn't expect seeing me standing there.

"Hey" He said quickly

"Hey sweet one" I entered inside and placed the breakfast tray on the drawer besides his bed.
"How are you feeling?" I asked him

"I'm feeling a lot better, thank you." He smiled

"I brought you breakfast" I smiled back at him

"Awwwwn, you're so sweet!!" Jay made a puppy face and I couldn't help but laugh, he was so cute.

"Jay..." I called him in a serious voice

He looked at me and answered "Yes!?..."

"Do you really think I'm going to leave you?" I asked him

He seemed surprised but it's like he knew that I was going to ask him something.
"How long were you standing there??" He looked sad

I lifted his face up to look at me. "Long enough to hear everything, please answer me!!" I pleaded

"Honestly, I don't know. I really don't know Kenny." He answered

"It's okay, I understand you." I told him

"You do??" He seemed confused

"Yes. But can I ask you for one thing?" I looked at his eyes

"What is it?" He answered playing with his fingers

"You don't have to trust me now, just give me one more chance to prove to you that I'm serious and sincere with you. Let me show you how I love you. Can you please allow me to?" I asked slowly

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