Chapter 11 - Falling for him.

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Chapter 11 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Kenny
☁️ Age: 20
☁️ He's a handsome young man. His piercing dark brown eyes, hair fluffy and curled pairing in colour with his eyes. A tall, button nose. and now how can forget those lips? Pink, soft and so kissable. His sexy appearance definitely captivates everyone.

-Kenny's POV

I was the one who sticked those signs up on Jay's locker and I was the one who told those guys to harass him today. I didn't do it intentionally but I had to because I didn't want them to find out that I had a crush on him and I liked him. Yeah, you heard it right. I like Jay. But I was a coward and scared to let anyone know about this, so I acted in front of everyone.

After what happened this morning I couldn't even concentrate in class. Jay wasn't here, I didn't know where he was or what he was doing, I couldn't help it but overthink. I couldn't take it anymore, I stood up and got out of the class to go look for him, everyone was in class now so no one is going to see me.

As I was walking through the back hallway I spotted him sitting out in the back. He was under that tree of his, off to the edge of the school, far away from everyone else. But he wasn't alone, he was with Sarah and they looked like they were arguing about something.

I waited for them to finish talking so that I could try and talk to Jay but before I could even sit properly Miriam appeared. She's one of the many girls who have a crush on me.

She came close and asked for a kiss and since I'm trying so hard to hide my feelings for Jay, I accepted. We started kissing and we kissed for a while.

I pulled away for a moment and saw Jay and Olivia arguing at the end of the hall. I turned Miriam around so that they won't see us. After their argument was over Jay went back where he was sitting and I thought this was the perfect time.

I pulled Miriam away from me and asked her to meet me later just to get rid of her. She smiled, winked at me and left.

I slowly went outside and towards Jay, I found him sleeping with tears in his eyes, I felt so guilty but I didn't know what to do.

I tapped him slowly to wake him up and when he opened his eyes he jumped out of fear.

"Hey relax, I'm not here to hurt you" I said

He looked at me but he didn't say anything then he wanted to leave. I grabbed his hand and pulled him back, I pulled him so hard that he ended up crashing to my body, I hugged him.

"Let go of me" He said while struggling to get out of my grip

"Calm down Jay, we need to talk" I said softly into his ear

"I have nothing to talk to you, please let go of me" He was already starting to cry, damn this boy cries a lot.

He continued to struggle and I released him hoping he would calm down but he didn't, as soon as I let go of him, he started leaving

I followed him and turned him back again, when he looked at me, I leaned forward and kissed him in the lips.

His body weakened, his hands started shaking and his eyes widened but he didn't push me away.

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