Chapter 21 - The Gang is home.

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Chapter 21 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Jay
☁️ Age: 19
☁️ The innocent adolescence was clear to see, whether you're familiar with his personality or looks. He's Also gentleman, did i not say? Atire, manners, beauty , you name it. Just look into those immature eyes, touched with the hue of  mahogany, pairing perfectly with his ebony hair and light fawn complexion, then you'll see.

-Jay's POV

I could spot Kenny out of a crowd anywhere, even if he was miles away.

So when my eyes glided past him and did I double take, I was shocked to see he had a haircut. It made him slightly harder to recognize, especially since he wasn't facing my direction.

His hair used to be a similar length to my own, but now it's shorter than mine. I'm not complaining. I couldn't possibly, because looked good. Really good. My thoughts had me blushing.

How did I manage to get myself such an attractive boyfriend?

Since having dinner with Kenny's parents two days ago, things between us are going steady, little slower than what we'd both like.
He's just too busy, I guess.

I watched as Kenny sauntered down the hallway and then "accidentally" barged some kid out of the way with his shoulder.

"Whoops," he said and kept walking.

He didn't bother with an apology, in fact he had a rather smug look on his face like he was proud of barging kids out of the way.

How did I manage to get myself such an attractive and rude boyfriend?

I don't know why I smiled a little.

Kenny could be scary when he wanted to and he wasn't exactly the nicest person in the school. But hey, at least he didn't go around deliberately shoving smaller people into lockers and whisper "faggot" in their ears like Aaron did. Firsthand experience there.

Kenny caught my eye and winked. I really wanted to go over to him.

When Kenny and I spoke about coming out, I told him I wanted to wait. That was only partially true.
There is only one reason I don't want to come out and that is fear. But there are way more reasons to come out. Like the fact that I will actually be able to be near Kenny whenever I want and also just not having to keep this part of me a secret.

Besides, it's not like if we became public Kenny would let anything bad happen to me. He would protect me, right? Anyways, I shouldn't rely on Kenny to protect me, not all the time, at least. I have to rely on myself.

Miley's high pitched voice tore me away from the thoughts that were weighing me down.

"I see you making googly eyes at him" She giggled, and nudged me with her elbow

I rolled my eyes. "You're seeing things"

"I don't think so" She raised her eyebrows

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