Chapter 7 - The school.

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Chapter 7 of "His Beautiful Pain" is finally here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Jay
☁️ Age: 19
☁️ The innocent adolescence was clear to see, whether you're familiar with his personality or looks. He's Also gentleman, did i not say? Atire, manners, beauty , you name it. Just look into those immature eyes, touched with the hue of  mahogany, pairing perfectly with his ebony hair and light fawn complexion, then you'll see.

-Jay's POV

The next day arrived and it was a beautiful morning. I woke up to the sound of my phone's alarm, I mentally cursed at the inventor of cellphones and whoever it was that decided to set up the alarm because I myself didn't do it.

"Wake up sleepy head.." Davis pinched my cheek

"I'm awake" I smiled at him

"Davis, make sure he's awake and sitting up straight" Violet shouted from the kitchen

"Hey morning, how are you feeling??" Stig came and asked me

"Morning. I'm feeling great, very much better" I answered

"Great then... Go prepare yourself for school, I'm pretty sure you don't wanna be late" Davis said

"Yeah go. When you're done, come down and have breakfast with us" Stig said

"Okay, okay.... I'm going" I frowned

I scanned the whole area and Kyle was no where in sight. "Where's Kyle??" I asked

"Oh.., he woke up earlier and went to his place to prepare himself for school." Davis told me. "I'm wearing Stig's clothes today so I don't have to go home" He added

"Okay. Let me go get ready and I'll be back here in a few" I stood up and headed to my room

I opened the door slowly and got inside like it was my first time. The room was clean and smelled like roses, Stig really knew how to make me laugh. I sat on my bed for a minute and looked at where my body was lying down before getting saved by my brother.

"Shit," I cursed. I would have been dead by now, what in the world was I thinking, I'm such an idiot!!!

I brushed the thoughts off and quickly went in the bathroom. I took a quick shower, brushed my teeth and prepared myself ready to go to hell.

I went downstairs and sat down for breakfast, everyone was already prepared and they were waiting for me to come down so that we can eat together.

"I'm driving you to school today" Stig stated

"No, thank you. I'll go with my bike" I told him

"Jay No, will you be able to drive a bike with your hand wounded?" Davis asked

"Yeah I can. I'm okay, it doesn't even hurt anymore." I said

"You sure??" Violet asked coming from the kitchen

"I am. I can go by myself" I assured them

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