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In this epilogue we are going to take a little walk down memory lane and look at Jay's past. How everything was before.
It's a get to know the character better.

If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or anything wrong with grammar, please let me know. I want to make you all feel happy when you read this book. I love you all.

I hope you enjoy reading this and please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter. I'm trying not to mess up a single line... XOXO ❤️✨


Jay Kreyman is a 19 years old boy who lived with his parents and his brother Stig Kreyman. He was really close to them, they would go out for dinner every weekend. They'd usually hang out and tell stories by the fireplace. The stories were always funny, Jay's stories were very expressive, he liked talking about animals and everyone would laugh when he placed himself in the middle of the room and acted them out. He always went into great details when talking about rabbits. For some odd reasons he had an extremely obsession with them, and it was so cute, and he was just ten years old.

He would make sure to steal his mom's or his dad's lap whenever he could, he loved the feeling of their hugs and their sweet smell. It always made him feel so cheerful.

Every Christmas he would run down the stairs and eagerly await for his parents to wake up. He was more excited to see them than to see his presents, which is kind of unusual for kids. His mom and dad would always laugh at how clingy Jay was. They had so many great moments that whenever Jay thinks of them, he can't help but to smile.

Then the unspeakable happened. It was a cold evening, Jay and his brother were inside watching a movie when Stig's phone started ringing, it was a call from the hospital reporting the death of Mr and Mrs Kreyman. They were in a car accident and unfortunately they couldn't make it out alive.

Stig told Jay what happened and they both rushed to the hospital. On their way there Jay was crying his eyes out and Stig was trying his best to comfort his brother but also look at the road. They arrived at the hospital and were rushing inside when Stig suddenly bumped into someone and they both fell down.

It was Kyle, Stig helped him up and apologized quickly before leaving running to the door. The door swung open and a beautiful girl and a really cute guy came out calling at the guy who Stig just bumped into. It was Violet and Davis, Stig's eyes were watering, Jay was crying and looked so weak, the three mystery guys saw it and started following them behind.

Stig and Jay arrived at the ward where the bodies were kept, they went inside and confirmed that it was really their parents. After seeing the bodies Jay dropped down on his knees crying and crying when that beautiful girl came in and hugged him. When Kyle and Davis went to comfort Stig. That's how the gang met. After a while of quietness, the girl broke the silence by introducing herself and the two guys followed. They talked for a little while and they succeeded on making Jay and Stig a little less sad.

It was time to leave and they said their goodbyes, exchanged phone numbers and that's how the friendship of The Gang started.

It was so lonely for Stig and Jay without their parents around. They were so attached to them, especially Jay. It was really hard for him to smile, hard to laugh, hard to get out of his room, and even harder for him to let go of the pain. It was really a hard time for both of them.

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