Chapter 14 - Still confused.

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Chapter 14 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Kenny
☁️ Age: 20
☁️ He's a handsome young man. His piercing dark brown eyes, hair fluffy and curled pairing in colour with his eyes. A tall, button nose. and now how can forget those lips? Pink, soft and so kissable. His sexy appearance definitely captivates everyone.

-Kenny's POV

I left instantly in the middle of the night after Jay told me that. I was really angry but not with Jay, I was angry with myself. Honestly I felt bad for everything bad that I'm doing to him.

I arrived at my house and went directly to my room. I undressed myself and went to bed. I need help, and not because I'm depressed, but because I'm hot, bothered and hurting. Unfortunately I'm my father's child and I have too much pride for that but I couldn't take it no more. It was hurting like hell.

At the gate where suspicion enters, love goes out. What if Jay doesn't love me anymore? What if he won't want to see me again!! I thought to myself but couldn't get an answer.

I rolled on my side and flipped through my phone, like usual it was filled up with messages because I'm just Oh So Popular. I scrolled through them and I found one unread message from my friend. His name is Tonny, I used to go to school with him before I was transferred here. He lives on the other side of the country.

"Hey buddy" The message said and I decided to call him because texting is really not my cup of tea.

After a few rings, he picked up the phone and shouted "You Fucker, how you doing man?" I could feel the excitement from his voice because it's been a little long since we last spoke.

"Hey man, I'm good. What about you?" I asked him

"I'm doing great homie, how's everything there huh?? Are you fucking them girls yet??" He teased and laughed loudly over the phone

I switched the call from audio to video call and saw him eating. I missed him so much, he was the only best friend I had.

"Shut up!! That's not what I called you for. I have a problem and I need your help" I said

"You look tense, what's wrong?? Talk to me man" He seemed concerned but again he teased "Don't tell me you've got someone pregnant dude!!"

"No it's not that!!" I told him

"Well, what is it then?" He asked

"Hey man, what if I told you that I was Gay?? Would you think that I'm weird?" I asked in a serious tone

He paused for a minute and cleared his throat "No, definitely not. You aren't weird, you are absolutely normal just like everyone else" He said slowly

"Thanks man, at least I've got someone that's on my side. I really appreciate that." I thanked him

"But that's not all, right?? You look like something's still bothering you!!" Tonny asked

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