Chapter 12 - What else can I do?

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Chapter 12 of "His Beautiful Pain" is here. I hope you love it.
If you guys see any mistakes, mistypes, or grammar problems, please let me know.
Please don't forget to vote for my story and leave a comment saying what do you think about this chapter.... XOXO ❤️✨

-Picture of Jay
☁️ Age: 19
☁️ The innocent adolescence was clear to see, whether you're familiar with his personality or looks. He's Also gentleman, did i not say? Atire, manners, beauty , you name it. Just look into those immature eyes, touched with the hue of  mahogany, pairing perfectly with his ebony hair and light fawn complexion, then you'll see.

-Jay's POV

I woke up and it was dark, I looked around me and I saw that I was in my room. Something moved, someone was holding me close. I turned and saw Kenny next to me. He had his one hand under the pillow I was sleeping on and the other hand was around my waist, I felt my head ache.

"Why is Kenny still here?" I whispered.

I felt Kenny move and I quickly closed my eyes, He tightened his grip around my waist. I heard him breath quietly. I thought that he was asleep but suddenly he started to talk quietly.

"Jay, I hope you are okay, I just want to see that you are okay. You just need some rest." I felt him kiss my head and then my neck.

He continued talking. "You mean so much to me. I wish I could take back every single bad thing that I did to you but I can't. But I can make sure that you are protected now, I'm gay and I'm in love with you Jay."

He took his hand off my waist trying to stand up but I quickly turned and pretended to be asleep and put my hands over him. I felt him put his arm around my shoulders and he covered us with my blanket. He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep just like that. Being in the arms of the guy who I've been in love with.

It was dangerous how fast I was falling for this boy. I couldn't care less about everything that was happening, this boy really grills my cheese. I didn't want him to leave because as you know, Moments of passion are best enjoyed when they are not just for the moment.

I opened my eyes and checked my phone, it was 7am. I looked around and Kenny was nowhere to be found, he already left. I stood up and headed to the bathroom to get myself ready for school. I found a stick-note on my bathroom's door.

It said "Sorry I left without saying goodbye, you were sleeping like a baby and I didn't want to disturb you. I'll see you later, Love Kenny."

I smiled and kissed it before placing it on my drawer. I took a shower and wore my clothes, I took one last look at myself in my mirror and smiled before exiting heading downstairs.

I grabbed an Apple from the fridge and I was ready to leave. I locked the house and got inside the car then headed to school. I kept smiling the entire way there like a lunatic because I remember everything and every word that Kenny told me yesterday, they made me crazy.

I arrived at school and it was Friday today, so the day was short. As I was walking towards my locker I ran into Olivia and Sarah.

"Hey, you piece of shit" Olivia called me.

"You look so alive today. Are you still daydreaming about having Kenny??" Sarah asked and smiled wickedly

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