Chapter Four

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I headed to the guidance counselor after my last class the following day, making sure I could get some help with my lectures. Some would call me an overachiever, but I couldn't fail any of my classes. I didn't really care for high grades, but I had to prove that I could do this.

To who? No one in particular. It was just something I've heard throughout my life; always push yourself and aim to befor the best. Nothing would be good enough for my parents anyway, but maybe I could make myself proud.

"If you can fill out this form for me please," the woman behind the little front desk of the guidance counselor said, handing me a piece of paper. I nodded, grabbing the pen she held out to me and reading over the form. Was it too much to sign up for all my classes? Probably.

The class Copyediting and Design from an hour ago turned out to be less of a problem than yesterday's lecture, so I just signed up for the only thing I knew for sure I needed help on.

"Thank you," the lady said when I handed her the filled-out form back, placing the pen I had used on the counter. "Let's see what's available right now."

I shifted my weight from one foot to the other, watching her as she tapped away on her keyboard, searching her computer screen.

"Right, so," she said, rolling her chair forward and clearing her throat. "We have Mr. Davis who's available for tutoring at a time and date to be determined."

"Or?" I questioned, hoping she was going to give me another option. Something inside was leaning more towards having that incredibly hot professor tutor me, but the logical part of me knew I would never get anything done if I had.

"Or..." She narrowed her eyes at her screen, a little surprised I was asking for someone else. "We have Thursday afternoon at four with Mrs. Tremblay."

I checked my schedule and my heart almost leaped out of my chest when I saw that I had nothing that day. "I'll take Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Tremblay." I beamed.

The woman nodded in agreement, typing away again.

I left the guidance counselor's office with a smile on my face. I had never met Ms. Tremblay, but I was ready to ace this course. That, and I wouldn't need the help of professor papi, so I was instantly in a good mood. It would probably be for the best if I didn't call him that.

The sun had already begun the set as I walked back to the dorms, and I quickened my pace when my stomach rumbled. Felicity, Penny, and I were supposed to have dinner together today, and I could already smell the fried rice Penny had promised to make meme to make.

I skipped into the building and checked my phone as I made my way up in the elevator. Like the good student I was, I made sure to add my tutor session to my calendar and see which class I was to attend tomorrow.

As usual, the common room was filled with voices, but I frowned when I heard a couple of guys.

Felicity was sitting in Derek's lap, laughing about something Dylan had said, and Penny sat beside them.

I shook my head, making my way to my room to drop off my bag. I gave Lisha a little wave and ignored Dinah's looks as I passed them, quickly closing the door behind me when I made it inside.

Since the kitchen had been empty when I entered the room, I assumed we weren't to have dinner for a while, so I decided to get comfortable on my bed, scrolling through Netflix to find something to watch. I used to be the social type, thriving on the energy of many people around me, but now I just found myself more interested in being in my safe space. Preferably alone.

Just as I was about to press play on a new series, someone knocked on my door. "Jamie?"

I recognized Penny's voice, and I wondered why she didn't just walk in. This was her room too after all.

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