Chapter Nine

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When Monday morning came around, it was time to get to class again. I was really not looking forward to this particular lecture, but with how well it had been going for me since I started here, I couldn't really afford to miss it.

Felicity and I reluctantly pulled on some clothes and shuffled out of our room. Penny was still sound asleep, and I noticed that she hadn't been on her morning runs as much as she used to.

The entire time I had been there, she had gone every single day, but now she was sleeping in for the third morning in a row. Did something happen? Did she have trouble sleeping too? I tried to shrug off the thought as Felicity and I walked through the common room, neither of us making any attempt to break the silence.

Campus was quiet, too, and it was a little foggy outside, giving the entire space an eerie feel. We quickened our pace and shared a look when we made it into the auditorium. We didn't have to say it out loud, but every time we were outside, alone or in small company, everyone was terrified of something happening.

"Morning," Dylan chirped, wrapping an arm around my shoulders. I shrugged him off and grumbled something back, but fortunately for me, Felicity was more of a talker in the morning.

"How was your guys' weekend?" she asked, and for a minute I saw something that looked like confusion flash through Dylan's eyes before he regained composure.

"Ah yes," he replied, stumbling over his words as Derek joined us. "Our guys' weekend was fun."

He was just looking at Derek at this point, and I had to refrain from rolling my eyes. The snake had probably told his girlfriend this as some sort of alibi while he fucked someone else, and I was really hoping that it wasn't Penny.

We took our seats before anyone could say anything else, and I closed my eyes for a second, sleep lurking behind my lids. I should really do something about the nightmares. I grew more tired every day, and at one point I couldn't tell reality and dreams apart anymore.

"Silence, please." Mr. Davis came barging into the room, striding up to his desk and slapping his bag on the surface. Dylan opened his mouth to undoubtedly make a sarcastic remark, but without looking over his shoulder, Mr. Davis was quicker. "Not today, Mr. Abner."

I couldn't help but grin a little as Dylan shut his mouth, turning to me with raised brows.

As Mr. Davis settled behind his desk and started up the desktop, I sat back in my chair and listened to Dylan as he went on about some game he wanted me to see. I had been meaning to see him play at one point, but with everything going on I didn't have a chance to do so yet.

"Mh-hmm," I hummed when he asked the question again, and blinked rapidly, trying to focus on what he was saying.

"You really have to come to the game this Friday. It's the start of the season and-"

"Mr. Abner." Mr. Davis interrupted him.

I snapped my head back to the front of the class, narrowing my eyes on our professor. His calm responses barely concealed the fact that he was in a pissy mood, and I couldn't help but wonder what was going on.

I found myself wanting to know everything about this man. Was something troubling him? I internally scoffed at my thoughts. As if he needed a young student to help him with his problems.

The class grew silent and I leaned over my desk when Mr. Davis started his lecture.


I looked at the head of hair in front of me, frowning at the brunette when I could've sworn I was sitting behind a blonde. I kept staring, Mr. Davis's lecture going right past me as I felt my eyelids drop. It had become harder and harder to stay awake.

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