Chapter Twenty

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"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I moaned as Mr. Davis' fingers swirled over my clit faster and faster, his mouth placing kisses over my jaw before he captured my lips again. "I'm gonna..."

"You can come, Jamie."

As soon as the words left his lips and I felt my orgasm wash over me, I grabbed the man by the shoulders to steady myself and not fall back against the bookcase behind me. My body shuddered and my walls clenched around Mr. Davis' fingers as I came, more of my arousal spilling over his hand.

I would've been embarrassed if I wasn't completely lost in this state of bliss he had just brought me into.

"What did you learn?" he asked, and I was very aware that he wasn't talking about the course material. This session had been surprisingly productive and by the end, I was giddy with excitement to find out if I had done well enough to get that reward.

And what a reward it had been.

I was unable to speak, my eyes slowly opening as he retracted his hand and licked every finger clean. "I...that I..."

He brought his mouth to my ear and whispered, "behave."

Just seconds after he spoke, he let me go and gathered his stuff, pretending like the last ten minutes hadn't happened. I straightened out my shirt and redid my pants, my cheeks still hot and red from my 'reward.'

"Yes, sir."

He smirked at me and jerked his chin to the exit, waiting for me to join him.

Even though Penny was found, the curfew was still in place and Mr. Davis was supposed to accompany me back to the dorms. Naturally, I didn't protest.

"Are you going home for Christmas?" he asked as we walked out of the library and into the cold evening air. He surprised me with the 'normal' question.

I had been asking myself that ever since I had gotten back from Thanksgiving. How was it that this University and its students felt more like a home than my parents' mansion ever did?

"I'm not sure."

Mr. Davis hummed and folded his hands behind his back as he walked, keeping some distance. I hated it, but I knew it was for the best. We weren't supposed to do this. Whatever this was anyway. All I knew was that I wanted more. Much, much more.


"Just curious," he replied with a grin.

"What about you?"

He sighed before he looked up, staring off into the distance before he replied. "I don't really celebrate Christmas anymore."

I cocked my head to the side. "Why not?"

It wasn't really appropriate to ask this question, but neither was him finger fucking me into oblivion at the campus library, so I asked it anyway. Besides, I found myself wanting to find out more about the man on numerous occasions, curious to unravel him layer by layer.

Mr. Davis' gaze traveled to mine and he shrugged. "It's just not really my thing."

He looked away again but I had seen in his eyes that he wasn't telling me everything. He didn't have to, but of course, it made me more determined to find out. I let it go for now though, gazing at my feet as we continued our walk.

The air smelled like rain and a light fog had started to settle, but I had no intention to quicken my step. Not even when the loud and sudden howl of an owl startled memade me startle.

I enjoyed Mr. Davis' company and I wouldn't mind staying out a little longer, no matter the cold and dangers.

A figure appeared on our path and when I narrowed my eyes I recognized Dylan. We hadn't really talked since the game and to be quite honest, I was still mad at him.

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