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My gaze drifted to the timer on the treadmill, and I debated if I should cut this workout short or push through. It was already way past curfew, yet I needed to blow off some steam. I knew I was in danger and they hadn't installed this curfew to bully us, but here I was. With everything going on—all those deaths—sneaking into the campus gym had almost been a necessity to run and lift all my frustrations away. Hopefully.

It was dark outside and I couldn't see a thing as I peered through the large floor-to-ceiling windows, but somehow, it calmed me down. Even though it shouldn't. I was utterly alone and the only sound was that of the treadmill and my own heavy breathing. The fact that the lights were dimmed didn't exactly help with the traces of anxiety lacing my brain, especially since every dark corner and shadow made me jump.

My cheeks glowed with heat and sweat ran down my forehead. I needed to keep going for five more minutes. I should've visited this gym more often with how bad my endurance had become, but it was only yesterday that I discovered it was here in the first place. Even though I had already been at the University for two months.

With just three minutes left on the clock, I lowered the speed, nearly falling when the lights around me suddenly turned off. I managed to stay upright and went to stand on the sides, turning off the treadmill and looking around with the sound of my blood rushing through my ears.

The only light in the room came from the moon outside, shining through the tall windows opposite the cardio section. I could suddenly see more of campus outside, but it didn't make me feel better.

"Hello?" I called through the dark, unable to see anyone in the gym with me. My mind keptwas telling me to calm down, but at the same time, I had a good reason for being a little terrified. Was this the moment I was going to get taken, just like the others had?

I quickly packed my stuff while keeping my ears open and listening for any movement behind me, stuffing my towel and water bottle in my bag before I hurried towards the exit.

My footsteps echoed against the walls as I made my way to the hallway, ready to get back to the safety of the dorms. There was something eerie in the air, and my stomach fluttered with fear.

Maybe this had been a mistake. This curfew was in place for a reason after all, and as much as I wanted to ignore everything that was going on, it turned out I couldn't.

I took a turn into the main hall but froze when I saw a dark silhouette in the doorway. They were at least thirty feet away, yet everything in my body screamed to run.

"Hello...?" I tried again, searching my mind for another way out of this building.

The person took a step toward me. It took me only a second to react, swallowing hard and making a run for it in the opposite direction. This building wasn't one I visited often, so I prayed I wasn't about to run into a dead end.

I felt my heartbeat in my ears, my stomach swirling with fear as I made my way through hallway after hallway, squealing when I saw a pair of double doors that undoubtedly led outside.

"Please...please," I mumbled when I reached them, grabbing the handle and frantically pushing and pulling. The world around me spun and I was on the verge of crying, panic making my vision blur.

But the doors wouldn't budge.

My hunter didn't even quicken his pace. I was trapped and alone in the same hallway as a killer and I slowly started to realize that this might be the moment I would die.

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