Chapter Ten

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On Tuesday afternoon, I had packed my bag with the right books and a good amount of pens and highlighters, ready to smash the hell out of this tutoring session. I was going to show my parents that they were wrong. Hell, I was going to show myself that they were wrong.

Maybe you should've chosen an easier major, Mija.

I shookshould my mom's words from my mind and left the room.

The common room was filled with students and I couldn't help but feel bad for the group of girls sitting on the couch. Dinah had dark circles under her eyes and Edith had been quieter than usual. I didn't know anything about their relationship with Ava, but from what I'd heard from Penny and Felicity, they were the few who actually liked her. This news must've hit them the hardest.

I shot them a small smile before making my way to the elevator, ready to get out of this building.

Nerves started to swarm my stomach as I approached the library, but I hoisted my bag higher up my shoulder and quickened my pace. As much as I was looking forward to not seeming like an absolute idiot in class when I was asked a question in the future, I wasn't exactly excited about this tutoring session.

Ava's death kept echoing through my mind and with every step closer to the library, the urge to turn around became greater and greater. I had mixed feelings about professor Davis, and maybe being alone with him wouldn't be the smartest. For tonight, I'd give him the benefit of the doubt.

As I made my way inside, I tried not to look over my shoulder too much. The hallways of the building weren't pitch black or completely deserted, but everywhere anyone went these days, we were on edge. Only when I arrived at the library entrance, I was able to relax a little.

I checked my phone for the time and swallowed when I noticed that I was five minutes late already. Mr. Davis wasn't known to be a very punctual person himself, but he was the kind of person to scold anyone for not being fucking perfect.

Fortunately for me, he was nowhere to be seen as I stopped to wait near the table we had agreed to meet.

The last few students left in the section I was in made their way out. Probably to get to the dorms before the curfew. It made me think that Mr. Davis had forgotten about me when waiting ten minutes turned into fifteen. Then twenty.

My shoulder dropped and I let out a sigh, ready to grab my bag from the floor and walk away, when he came striding into the room.

"Let's get started, Ms. Alcarez." He walked past me as if I wasn't there and took a seat at the big round table. The few books he had been carrying slapped on the surface and I jumped, rolling my eyes before I joined him.

I couldn't possibly sit up straighter in my seat as I opened my books and took out a pen, my eyes occasionally flicking up to Mr. Davis' face. He looked tired and on edge, like something was bothering him. Not that it was any of my business. I was just so curious about him.

"Are you listening?" I jumped in my seat when I realized he had been talking to me and I pretended like he didn't just have to pull me from my thoughts.

"Yes," I replied, looking anywhere but at him.

He let it go, licking his full lips before he went back on topic and continued talking.

My eyes were drawn to him in an instant, studying his lips as they moved. Then the crease between his brows as he frowned, slightly. How did a man like that end up at an establishment like this? The little town that lay beyond campus wasn't really the most interesting either.

The way he carried himself and dressed told me he was probably from some big city like New York or Boston. I found myself interested to see him in somethinganything other than a suit or dress shirt with slacks.

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