Chapter Thirty-Five

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A strange bonking sounded in my ears. Or maybe it was more like a throbbing. I couldn't open my eyes just yet-my lids felt too heavy. Something wet was dripping down the side of my face and my mouth felt dry, but I couldn't move.

Where the hell was I?

I tried to wiggle in my seat and I felt the burn of some kind of rough rope against my wrists. The friction against my skin hurt, but I was just glad I could feel some of my limbs. Finally, my eyes slowly opened, but it didn't matter. I was surrounded by the dark.

I could feel the tears threatening to spill over, but I forced myself not to cry. I wasn't going to cry.

Something had been up with Mrs. Stolly, I had felt it, especially these last couple of weeks. But this? She could never be responsible for this much death. Could she?

But as I sat there, staring into nothing and trying to get comfortable with presumably blood trickling down my face, I cursed myself.

All those people who died. Penny, who nearly...

I hung my head and sighed, wiggling my toes in my shoes. It didn't relieve much of the ache I felt in my legs, especially since they, too, were tied to the chair, but it was good to know the rest of my body was waking up too.

The dark surrounding me was getting less pressing as my eyes adjusted, and some shapes appeared in my line of vision. It wasn't much, and it didn't give me a clue about where I was, but at least I could familiarize myself with my surroundings. If I was ever to get out of these restraints, maybe I could get away without stumbling over furniture.

The sound of footsteps approaching made my head snap up, and I immediately regretted it when a throbbing pain reappeared behind my eyes. I groaned when the door in front of me opened, and a figure appeared.

I didn't recognize them immediately, but when they stepped into the light, I was met with our dean. I hadn't known what to think when I woke up and thought about who got me in this situation. But now I knew I hadn't imagined it. No wonder she could stay under the radar as much.

It still didn't make sense to me. Why would she be killing students? And maybe even people off campus, too.

"Ah, you're awake." She clicked on a small table lamp next to the door before she closed it behind her, and I squeezed my eyes shut at the sudden intrusion of light.

"I don't understand," I mumbled, trying to keep my eyes open even though the sharp pain in my head told me to keep them shut.

Mrs. Stolly leaned against the side table, crossing her arms. "There are a lot of things you don't understand, are there?"

I balled my fists as much as I could, stuck against the armrests, but it didn't get past her. She chuckled darkly, licking her lips. Her eyes shifted to her heeled feet, before snapping back up towards mine.

A man was standing in the corner of the room, a hood pulled over his head, concealing his face. He seemed familiar, and I swallowed when I realized that this must've been the same guy who had chased me around campus last year. Or were there more people involved in this? More familiar faces who turned out to be part of this?

"You know, we never meant to take it this far." Mrs. Stolly sneered.

I knew what was coming. A little insight into everything she-or apparently, they-had done because she thought I was going to die anyway. But I would listen intently, save every little detail and fight for my life to get out. Penny had survived, so maybe I had a shot too.

"Ava had always been trouble, but we only ever intended to heal her, to fix her." She pushed herself away from the table and started to circle me, her arms still firmly crossed over her chest. "Have you ever heard of the seven deadly sins, Ms. Alcarez?"

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