Chapter Twelve

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My face probably resembled a tomato by the time I got back to the field. I quickly searched for Felicity and let out a breath of relief when I spotted the blonde in the crowd. When she noticed me coming her way, my heart sunk in my chest at her expression. All the color had drained from her skin and her eyes were wide as she looked at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked, following her back to the dorms when she stormed past me, jerking her chin towards the building in the process.

She didn't say anything until we were back in our room, where she started to pace the small space as soon as the door closed behind us. She made me incredibly nervous, so I grabbed her by the shoulders to stop her from moving. "Felicity."

Her eyes were watery as she looked up at me, and my expression softened. "I think she got taken."

She spoke the words softly, her gaze flickering to Penny's bed.

I swallowed, letting my arms fall to my sides. I felt a lump in my throat when I processed what she said. I tried to deny it all day, but with this psycho out there, it was pretty clear what was happening here.

Felicity fell to her knees and grabbed her face in her hands, tears now freely flowing down her face. "This is my fault."

I tried to keep my own sobs at bay as I lowered myself to the floor as well, wrapping my arms around the blonde. "It's not your fault."

She hesitated before replying. "She ran out because I was yelling at her. Because I was being angry over something stupid."

She buried her face in my chest and I hesitantly patted her head, not really sure how to deal with this. "You weren't angry over something stupid, Felicity. And none of this is your fault."

I let her go when she gasped, her head shooting up and almost hitting my chin. She watched me with wide eyes, her mascara smudged down her cheeks. "What if she..."

I shook my head. "Don't think like that."

"The last thing I said to her was that she was a whore. She ran away from me thinking I hated her." She paused, her bottom lip quivering before she continued softly. "I don't hate her."

"I know." I pulled her back against my chest, trying to calm her down. I was sure Penny knew it too. Anyone would've been mad when they found out their friend had messed around with their partner.

This was such a mess.

It took a while before Felicity calmed down, and we ended up watching a movie in bed to distract ourselves. Penny's empty bed started at me when I tried to fall asleep, though. It was the first time I actually wanted to sleep. The thought that she was taken-soon to be killed-scared me more than my nightmares ever could.

It surprised me that I had gotten so attached to my roommates in such a short amount of time, and I feared that it would come to bite me in the ass someday. Maybe sooner than expected.


The next morning, our first lecture was interrupted about halfway through by two police officers, and my stomach officially dropped. I knew why they were here.

Mrs. Tremblay looked up from the board when the door to the classroom opened, putting the cap back on the marker she was using with shaking hands.

"Sorry to interrupt," one of the officers said, and she stepped further into the room. The male officer stepped in behind her, and I immediately got chills. He was big and bulky with a blond buzz cut, but it was more the way he stood and looked around the room that I didn't like.

He almost looked annoyed to be doing his job, and I quickly looked back at the female officer.

She walked up to our professor, mumbling something in her ear. Mrs. Tremblay let out a small gasp as she listened, folding her hands together behind her back.

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