Chapter Fifteen

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On Monday, Felicity and I were getting ready for our regular morning class withfrom Mr. Davis, and I was in a constant state of: do I look forward to it or not?

I wanted, no, needed, something to happen between us but I also knew that it never could. And it hurt.

"Good fucking morning," Felicity grumbled and I groaned back a response, pulling on my leggings. I usually put a bitlittle more effort into my outfit whenever I had class withfrom Mr. Davis, but today I really couldn't be bothered today.

"Another week without Penny." Felicity sighed, her tone changing from irritated to sad.

I looked over at Penny's corner of the room and swallowed hard. It had been a couple of weeks now, and the more time passed, the more I was determined to do some investigating myself.

"Let's go before Mr. Davis punishes us in front of everybody for being late." She grabbed her bag and threw me my own, flipping her long blonde ponytail over her shoulder as she opened the door. I choked on the water I was trying to drink at the word punish, quickly putting the cap back on the bottle before I placed it in my bag.

Campus was quiet this morning-as to be expected-and the sun hadn't risen yet so the only light guiding us came from the moon and the occasional streetlight.

When we were about halfway there I noticed someone coming our way and I grabbed Felicity's arm. My heartbeat sped up and my eyes were wide as I tried to focus in the dark. "Careful."

She looked around and took a step in my direction when she noticed the man.

"Relax ladies, just me," a familiar voice said just before a dark-haired man stepped into the light. I recognized him but I couldn't remember his name.

"Jesus, Hawke, you scared us," Felicity replied and it clicked. This was Hayden-or Hawke. Derek's brother.

He brought a lit cigarette to his mouth and my eyes moved to the scar through his eyebrow that glistened in the white light of the closest streetlight. "I get that. Where are you off to?"

I watched the smoke he blew out from his latest drag before Felicity's voice interrupted my staring.

"Class." She couldn't have rolled her eyes any harder if she tried and I chuckled.

"Yes and we're late." I grabbed Felicity's hand and continued our journey.

"I'll walk with you." Hayden followed us and I had to admit that I felt a little more at ease. Unlike his brother, I trusted him. It was a weird feeling. Trusting someone without really knowing him. And maybe it would come to bite me in the ass later, but for now, I went with it.

We walked to the lecture hall together and said goodbye before Felicity and I made our way to the right auditorium. I was a little nervous about coming face to face with Professor Davis, but knowing that we weren't alone and he had a class to teach helped settle the butterflies in my stomach.

He wasn't there yet when we took our seats, and I dragged Felicity to the front of the class, ignoring Dylan's wink.

Not because I didn't like him, but because I didn't want to give him the wrong impression, or catch Derek's eye. Why Dylan was still friends with that snake was a mystery to me, but then again, I doubted Derek had told his friend what he had done.

"I just want to go back to my bed," Felicity whined as she leaned onto her desk, resting her chin on her arms.

I chuckled, grabbing my laptop from my bag to see what website I could browse for some new shoes. The first few minutes of this class were spent doing something else anyway, unless Mr. Davis decided to show up on time all of a sudden.

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