Chapter Eight

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A cry sounded from Ava's mother and my stomach dropped. Bile rose to my throat and I jumped from my seat, running from the field as quickly as possible before I hunched over and vomited.

My stomach hurt and tears sprung into my eyes, sweat instantly forming over my forehead.

Screams came from the field from behind me and somewhere in the distance I heard the dean attempting to calm down the crowd, but I just felt more nausea coming up.

"Oh, God," I breathed out, trying to keep my hair out of my face.

All I could see was the image of Ava's body. It didn't matter if I closed my eyes or not. Everywhere I went, I saw her.

I jumped slightly when I felt a presence behind me, and I suppressed a shudder when two hands grabbed my ponytail. I didn't have to look to see who it was, his gentle grip telling me exactly who was standing behind me.

"Thanks, Dylan," I managed to force out, spitting. The sour taste in my mouth lingered and it almost made me gag again, but I managed to straighten up instead.

"Sorry to disappointbe a disappointment, Ms. Alcarez."

My entire body tensed at his voice. I snapped my head back, stumbling a few steps before Mr. Davis caught me. "Oh, I'm sorry, professor."

That was like the tenth time he had touched me, and the sensation got more and more intense with every time. It confused me, scared me.

He nodded as he helped me to my feet, and I blinked rapidly, trying to remain conscious. Stars appeared in my vision and I felt my stomach turning again.

As I looked into his dark eyes, memories of Halloween night came flooding in, and I frowned at the man before me. "You were on campus that night."

He cocked a brow at my statement, making sure I stood securely on my feet before he released me.

He knew exactly what I was talking about and I wondered what he was hiding. Should I even be talking to him? Or be alone with him? What if I was standing in front of the man who had something to do with Ava's death?

I clenched my jaw and my heartbeat quickened slightly, panic flooding my mind.

"I think I'm just going to..." I took a step back and tried to act casual, pointing to something behind me with my thumb over my shoulder.

"Ms. Alcarez," Mr. Davis said, freezing me in place with his gaze. "Are you okay to go back?"

I swallowed, my throat raw, but still, I nodded.

"Are you sure? Let me walk you back to the dorms, you look like you might faint." He tried to reach for me but I quickly dodged his hand, my breath shaky as I took a step back. I had been drawn to the man since day one, but after everything that had happened, I didn't quite know who to trust anymore.

His gaze lingered on my face for a second longer, before he cleared his throat and walked away with his hands in his pockets.

My heartbeat slowed back down as I looked at his retreating form, relief coming over me.

I decided not to go back to the field. Instead, I made my way to the dorms, determined to get under the covers and attempt to get some sleep. If I wasn't careful, I would soon pass out from fatigue.

I kept looking over my shoulder as I made my way across campus. Ever since Ava was found, there had been something sinister in the air. More so than before. Everyone was on edge and I started to wonder if I was being stupid for walking around by myself. I shrugged it off but quickened my pace anyway. I tried to make sure I wasn't being followed and kept my ears open, practically holding my breath until I was inside. Alone.

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